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Messages - pitbullca.bc

must protect tenkmeister...from evil..angry...Master....
*back* I say *back*
semi true....gettin old feeling though..hate to know what I am going to feel like in ten years!
PBM thinks that their job ages them.
g'mornin to you tenkmeister!
aahh...nice! a pair of crocs myself...they aren't the prettiest shoe that is for sure..but...they are a fine work..when me feets are aching...they help me make it through my day.  I think my harley boots...are almost done.. : (  
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="" border=0]

It's fun to the  why...em...cee...ay!
#187 awarded the most wierdest kick back in elementary school.  Haha...watched my daughter play this weekend...she ran circles around even the teenage boys...haha
PBM enjoys watching kids play sports
a happy mothers day to all.  Mine was spent..having breakfast cooked for me...after sleeping in.  Then watching a couple of select movies with the family.  For those who haven't seen Night At The Museum...I would totally suggest it! taken out for dinner...for halibut.  Yum!  Asleep by 9 pm.
So...I am bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6 am.  Sun is going to to work today.  Hope all has a happy monday!
#190 how long that process actually took!
I am deffinately here!
PBM is lactose intolerant
seems that I have been missing a type of pulse here.  Just finished watchin a girly movie...had grilled cheese sandwiches one rye bread for lunch..yum yum!
Don't know what sorta nothing to do now...suggestions?
no doubt eh?  Gawd..peeps are so uncivilized..haha