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Messages - Van

Michel wrote:
Van wrote:
To be honest, the benefits and pay scale were pretty much the same too for the qualified positions.

 Only because your boss was scared that a union entered into the place. Typical corporatist tactict and naive people fell for it.

 Oh yes that must have been it??

 OR, the fact we needed qualified employees and had a hard time finding people with the right experience. Some companies are actually willing to pay whatever is necessary for skilled workers to join.  

 The beauty was, if you suck at your job, you can expect a permanent unpaid holiday.


Sportsdude wrote:

funny, most union workers vote conservative. The ones that I ran into on my time on the Island were in fact conservative voters, the complainers as you say. The proud union workers I know back in the states are Republicans.

Funny is right...or weird? that is just weird....

 Either way, I work for myself now and proudly will never work for a union again!

I love to just swim laps. I hate the public pools, but not really much choice if you don't own a pool. lol.

  salmon sandys for lunch today.
Michel wrote:
  Van wrote:
 [DIV style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]lol PC. I have a cousin in a sawmill that make almost $30.00 for sweeping the floors. Strong union. Too bad the mill has about 2 months left to go if they are lucky.

[DIV style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]

[DIV style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]I worked union once, I will NEVER again!

Why never ? Jealous ? What's your problem with people fighting for their rights ? Maybe you should become a Stalinist or invest in China, this would be your perfect society, no ? Open a McDonald or a WalMart ?

 Jealous of a union? LOL! That is too funny! I am sure unions had their time and place. Where I worked, we could not get rid of the shi*ty workers to save the decent workers positions. So many whiners worrying and always expecting "what is coming to them", rather than the doughheads just doing their job!."the Company OWES me something" mentality got old fast. Nobody OWES you a bloody thing! Go pick the apples yourself instead of sitting back and waiting for the apple cart to fall into your lap!

 Also, there is no accountability with unions. Everywhere i have been where unions were involved they did less work with more attitude.

 You can chant all the pro-union propaganda you want, I will never change my mind about it. I was glad to work in a place where if a worker was a slacker, he got his ass booted out the door. To be honest, the benefits and pay scale were pretty much the same too for the qualified positions.

 I am sure unions were necessary many years ago, nowadays, unions are great, at scaring away investment and common sense. BC in the 90s, the unions sucked the life out of this province.

 anyways, my thoughts.

He was Doc in Cars. Although just a voice in the film.        
lol PC. I have a cousin in a sawmill that make almost $30.00 for sweeping the floors. Strong union. Too bad the mill has about 2 months left to go if they are lucky.

  I worked union once, I will NEVER again!

Had a good evening of swimming and then a nice hot tub. I feel great this morn!
I assume Lise is saving the gold to melt it down and give all gold watches for XXX-mas??
Good afternoon.

purelife, I just cut up the yams, cover cookie sheet with olive oil. Bake at around 425 degrees for 20 minutes and then flip them, cook another 15 minutes or so. I add a touch of dill seasoning.

  Watch closely, they may burn.
Sweet Russ! I would love to have that!! Ebay here I come!
So what will be the lesson?

  How about...NOT give a $400,000 mortgage to a kid that works at McDonalds maybe??
I never played that sounds too high tec for this guy. LOL! never been much of a video game person.
cool idea for breakfast. I made Yam fries last week and they were great.

  Going for a pub lunch with a client today. Hopefully some kind of chicken sandy.
I play pac-man on the computer...any pac man fans here??? Halo 3 has nothing on Pac Man!!
Coffee and a sunrise!