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Messages - greycat

Discover Seattle! / I need a job!
Aug 02 06 02:37
I moved to vancouver in February and have had a couple jobs that just didnt work out; the co. ran out of work for a full time person, i got in a car accident, etc. etc. I REALLY need some work, I have admin. skills (in the arts as well, as in, arts admin. training), graphic design, photography...anyone know of any openings, anywhere? I have been getting interviews but nothing has panned out so far, the bills are piling up! Ack.
Please do not contact the SPCA, they only kill animals. I am sorry to say it, but its true. Any time i have called them about a stray i have taken in, they warn me not to bring it there. Seriously, try to make it work with the 2 kitties, or find one of them a new family...but do NOT take him to the SPCA.
How long have you had the new cat in the house? It might just take time...animals need to get used to each other. Are they both males? Neutered or not?
My cats are brothers, and they dont always get along, fight and stuff...its no big deal.
No wonder he is cranky. I hope you find a home for the poor thing.
Uh, AFI isnt pop punk, nor are half the bands on this tour and this usually isnt a TEEN fest but for some reason the Vancouver leg is all Calgary there are beer tents. ANYWAY, does anyone know where to park near there?
Anyone going? And does anyone know where to park near Thunderbird Stadium? Is it expensive too?
Do NOT take the cat to the SPCA, they will kill it. Surely you can try to get the cats to get along? Why did you even get another cat in the first place? I hate when people get animals and then discard them at the first sign of trouble. Poor kitty.  :'(
That point about the advertisers was a good one. I have always wondered why anyone would pay to have a banner ad on that filthy site. Do they even visit it? If they knew their ads were alongside racist b.s., sexually explicit threads and any manner of filth, wouldnt they just refuse to advertise there any more? Its simply bizarre. And the politics over there are completely bewildering. Its like a bunch of kids who just graduated from high school finally living on their own and running amok in the streets.
Yes, who is this Maria on DV?
Some Chick wrote:
<DIV>I don&#039;t miss it.&amp;nbsp; I should kiss the angel that banned me.&amp;nbsp; My mind didn&#039;t need that pollution I was subjecting it to.</DIV>

I hear ya. If i was banned it would be a blessing in disguise!
I just got jPod for my b-day, and Ill Be Your Mirror (andy warhol interviews)...i usually have about 10 books going at once.
touche!  ;)
peas out of the garden, cherries and nectarines! and bbq stuff.
wow. its funny because i never thought she was out of line on DV (as a civillian), the odd stupid comment but nothing to indicate she was such a powermonger...power really does change people hey? does anyone know how old she is, (just curious)?