I cant believe this....

Started by Maria, Jul 11 06 01:01

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no purelife, i did not get laid, lol. People can be in a good mood without having sex. Like i said before, i really am a friendly person, but friendly people get mad once in a while, u guys caught me at a bad time...its a new day and i'm my usual happy self...i've cooled down.


lol maria.  it was only an internal dv/ds joke.  the "are you persian" question is a very popular question besides "what does tna stand for?" ;)  


Yeah, there's no good for your body, mind and soul to be grumpy.  Happy is the better path.


You are so right, purelife...i've also noticed that grumpy people age faster than happy ones...they grow white hair and get wrinkles...its terrible!


Stress, lack of nutrition, lack of sleep.... also does a number for wrinkles.  

  So, I take it that you're not from Vancouver nor Seattle?


what happy? I'm miserable 24/7.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


No, I'm actually from california...how about u? Seattle i assume..



  California?  What was your DV poster name?  I remember one or two posters from Cali.  


Like i said before, i barely ever posted on that thing...i used the user name "help" once but other than that i used maria...that is my real name btw..lol..The main reason i began to use DV was because i am thinking of moving out there and i wanted to know more about that..but the people on that forum were giving me really rude answers, so heres my chance to ask u...how is it like, do you like living there, is there a lot of crime, expensive housing...thanks...=)


Post a new topic with your question Maria and I'll give it a shot.  


The reason I ask you to post is that I'll have many questions for you because your question is extremely vague and my answers would vary depending on the individual's preference and situation.


  Maria wrote:
Tehborken, u have ur opinions and i have mine...like i said before, i was mad and of course when ur mad u start calling people names and all of that, but i didnt come and post on this site to argue...to be honest i barely post on DV and barely on here too...this back and forth posting was a little more personal so i started to post a lot more than usual....i dont know u and i also dont care enough to hate u, people do and say crazy things when they are mad...once again i really am sorry...u dont have to believe me but i am

Okay, fair enough. You're welcome here as far as I'm concerned. I know how easily things can get out of hand on message boards, so don't worry about it. I'm as guilty as anyone- I've often wished my mouth had a backspace key.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Thank you for understanding...=)


Why does all the stuff that Maria says makes me think of that young lady named Lindy AKA superstar 66 whaterver , comenly reeferd to as stupidstar ...  


Yes, who is this Maria on DV?
It is what it is.
