Gopher wrote:[div style="font-style: italic;"]Does any one use it? What are your impressions?[/div]
I use it all the time and so does Sakha. She video chats with her sister and mom almost every's free to use PC-to-PC so we save a ton of cash on phone cards and stuff. Plus, they get to see each other which is always cool. Been watching my little nephew grow up daily over Skype, actually.
Now that Microsoft is going to buy it I expect it to go to shit pretty fast. The day that Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck is the day they make a vacuum.
Coming soon...
Skype Personal Home Video Edition
Skype Corporate Conferencing Edition
Skype Small Business International Edition
Skype Ultimate Skyperrific Edition!
Skype Mega Bloatware Edition
Skype Ultimate Actually Works Without Crashing Edition
[div class="commentcontent"] But at least it wasn't bought by Yahoo - the ultimate kiss of death. They should use that euphemistically in hospitals.[/p]"Tell me doctor - how bad is it?"[/p]"I'm afraid he's been... 'bought by Yahoo.'[/p]*weeping*[/p] [/div]