The Ebony Lounge

Started by P.C., Mar 27 06 09:57

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Me too Kitten.  Good night.....hope you sleep well.

  You also sportsdude.  Try and get some sleep can't get through a day well without a good sleep.

  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


well its off for work for me in an hour.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


early in the morning,eh? Funny because when you will be getting up I will be going to sleep.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Wake well, Sportsdude. Hope you have a better day.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Yes.....we're  How was everybody's day?  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

weird al

[img height=179 alt=riggwelter src="" width=150]

   A deep chestnut brown beer with a rich near-white head and the aroma of fresh roasted coffee.

A wonderfully complex palate with hints of coffee, bananas and liquorice leading to a classic Golding hop finish.

 [UL] [LI]ABV 5.9% [/LI][/UL]  


Now THAT sounds like a taste worth exploring.  I never aquired a taste for beer, (much to my chagrin, as it often LOOKS so good by those who enjoy it).  Is this available anywhere ?????  I'm always up for something new.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

weird al

It's great stuff one of the best. It leads with an evanescent film of sweetness quickly supplanted by a robust, clean bitterness. Brought a couple of spares. Some liquor stores carry it, most don't. Most LDB outlets will bring in anything you request from their main list.

[img height=179 alt=riggwelter src="" width=150][img height=179 alt=riggwelter src="" width=150][img height=179 alt=riggwelter src="" width=150]

  [img height=179 alt=riggwelter src="" width=150][img height=179 alt=riggwelter src="" width=150][img height=179 alt=riggwelter src="" width=150]  


How was everybody's day?

  Not good. Was out on the look out this morning because two teenagers went right up to some guys house and stared at him thru the window then ran off into the woods.  Then as you can tell I got on my little pulpit on DS and got a little angry. Slept the entire day until about 5pm. Then learned I was out of a job.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Ohhhh, sportsdude, that doesn't sound good at all !!!!!  What is the connection with this incident and your losing your job ????

  weird al.....I'm SO not a beer drinker, but you have described this in such a way, that I must.  Where is this beer from????
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

weird al

[A href=""][/A]

  I think one reason that many people don't develop a taste for beer is that they're subjected to the many industrial beers on the market, most of which taste like industrial waste. Another factor is the limited shelf life. If there's a brew pub near you, check 'em out. See what they've got, find out which keg was most recently tapped etc. There are some glorious beers out there.


Its got nothing in common.  Just dad's decided to stop doing this one paper route so that mean moi doesn't have a job anymore.  Its good and bad. The good means I can actually have a life and finish school and get on with my life. The bad, I don't have a job and no money flowing into my accounts except for my stocks in the stock market.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I like beer but when I'm not in a good mood or am looking for a quick alcohol fix; a glass of wine is just fine.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

weird al

"Riggwelter" , so it says on the label, comes from the old Norse rygg - back - and velte - to overturn. When a sheep is on its back and cannot get up without help, local dales dialect says it's rigged, or riggwelted. I'm guessing the Black Sheep brewery people have a nodding acquaintance with this condition.  


Did someone say Norway????

      Norway Rocks!!!

  [A href=""][/A]

Bergen, Norway
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
