The Ebony Lounge

Started by P.C., Mar 27 06 09:57

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This place was getting dark, so I thought I'd turn the light on just long enough to say goodnight.  Another early rising tomorrow.

  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Thanks Kitten.  Me too.

  Sleep great !!!!!!!
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Hi Kitten,

  How did you weather the storm.  Everything OK?  I've just spent the last 2 hours cleaning out the fridge and freezer.  I wrote everything down as I turfed it.  It makes me weep to throw out all that food. *cry*

We don't know if it's worth claiming on insurance or not.  Ever had any experience with that?

I've never had a claim, and have a 'no claims' discount, and I'm trying to do the math to figure out if it's worth losing that (or even IF we would lose that)
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Hi, P.C.

  I managed well, no power outage where I live.  But my poor lady did have one and she was terrified.  I had to stay with her and keep her bundled up.  The house dropped to 10C. and I nearly froze.  She is still having nightmares about it.  I only got home long enough to feed the cat and heat up soup and tea to take back to her.  I'm so glad that's over.  But what a terrible thing to have to throw out food!  I'm so sorry for you.  That represents a lot of expense and time.

  I've never had to deal with anything but car insurance, so I can't give any advice.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Awww, how sad for your poor lady.  That would be upsetting to her for sure.....once again, thank goodness she has someone who cares so well for her.

Makes throwing out a little food seem less important in the big picture, doesn't it.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


awwww..... sorry to hear about that poor lady.  That's sad to hear.  Temperature drops and power outages are so stressful for so many people.  I hope that that was the only one.  
 PC, what was the total value of your goods in the freezer?  


I'm not sure yet purelife. So far I've just written it all down.  I will do a 'mock on-line shopping' at our local grocery store, and see what the total comes to.  Many of the things don't have prices on them anymore, because I buy the large packs of things, and then split them into meals for two size.

But it's surely amazing how much it adds up to.

Just the dressings, mayo various condiments etc adds up quickly.  Eggs, milk......Never mind the meat !  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


In my opinion PC, I think that it'll not be worth claiming your lost fridge items.  The reason is that it could prove difficult (unless pictures are taken or something) to show that they were new and no items were used.  For example, your mayo could be half empty and your milk, half full, then, the value decreases.  Just my two cents.  


I was actually going to take pics, but my camera is not working so great these days.

  I would imagine there is some kind of an average value of the contents of a fridge....perhaps less for a freezer.  A half of anything, still has to be replaced.....gas and time to do so, have a value.  The part that would be difficult, would be if your freezer were full, half full or 3/4 empty.  That's where a picture would be helpful.  I don't have a freezer freezer.....just the freezer with my fridge.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I had to run next door for a couple of minutes.  I would have to agree that there isn't much point in claiming the food on your insurance without proof of what you had.  It's so sad you had to lose so much, P.C.

  As far as my lady is concerned, she will forget this very quickly now that things are back to normal.  That is the one good part about short-term memory loss.  They don't retain the trauma for a long period of time  She will be having visitors throughout the Christmas week, so she will be distracted by them.  This is the third power outage she has had, but the others didn't last nearly as long.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Hmmm, have you tried presenting your scenario to your insurance agent?  I'm sure that he/she would be able to quote you on how much your premiums would go up and how much damage could be claimed and such.  Other than that, that's all that I can think of.    


I'm not one to claim stuff on insurance (obviously......I've never had a claim EVER), but when I was doing a mental talley as I was chucking this stuff, I lost count very quickly after beginning, at around $400.....and that was just SOME of the meat.

I think you're right, purelife.  I believe we'll have to find out from our insurance agent.  I know my neighbours have done it, but then they claim for everything, (plus) and are dealing with higher rates because of it.  So they're not a good gauge.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


That's a LOT of money to lose.  In this case it certainly can't hurt to see if you can be compensated.  They are quick enough to take your payments and you should be getting something in return.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


I was going to say to take pictures. Some of my relatives have cabins on the gulf islands and had this happen to them a few times. As it is a summer/ recreational place that they dont go to all the time they dont know when the power goes out or comes back on. Imagine coming back to magots.

  They took pictures and gave a tally. But that was for non act of god ( i think)
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Hi Miss Kitten.......are you still about ?

  Just finished putting away all the leftovers (we even had left over duck.....that's a first)  Now I'm sipping a dollop of Goldschlager.  Mmmmmmm  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
