There are dolphins that are pink because they're albinos....but there is also a species of pink dolphins.
[FONT face=Times]'The Pink Dolphin looks almost like the gray dolphin, but they have differences. Instead of having a dorsal fin like the gray dolphin, it has a hump on its back. The Pink Dolphin's tail is bigger and it has 2 flippers that look like big leaves. The Pink Dolphin's neck is kind of long and his head has a little hump in the forehead. His beak is long and has tiny hairs on top. This animal has tiny eyes. The Pink Dolphin can turn its head 180 degrees, all the way around since it has an unfused vertebrae. It weighs approximately 90 kilograms. The Pink Dolphin got its amazing pink color from the kind of water it lives in, and the kind of food it eats.'[/FONT]
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[FONT face=Times]I want one.