The Trash Can

Started by Gopher, Jan 05 09 11:44

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Orik wrote:
The turning of ones negatives into a positive is never easy.

 With some it's not even possible   :(

 Our own memories of any incident tend to be flawed in that aspect. We will tend to remember our selves as better or more altruistic than what that situation might have actually been like. Basically we paint ourselves in a better light, than what someone else will see.

 I believe we've all been guilty of that at some point in time.

ego our possessiveness & selfishness gets within the way.

 There are some who would replace these traits with one word... confidence. All the while never understanding that they can be confident without being a complete dick.

It takes a true friend to tell someone of their negatives and to be willing to show them to you.

 I agree however it does no good what so ever to point these things out if the person they are being pointed out to is not open to it... just like you said earlier. Clearly Orik, you and I see that person as a true friend but there are others out there would see that person as the complete opposite. Also there are sensitive ways to tell someone of their flaws. Flat out, straight up, harsh name calling is not the way to accomplish anything..imo.

 We men do not like to have our short comings pointed out to ourselves, We dislike it even more so if it is a woman pointing them out to ourselves.
Because of the blind spot, that veil we all wear, we can not see or own faults. this is when we need to rely on a good or a true friend. We need them to point our short comings out. If a friend does not point out our shortcomings... How can we ever change from them?

 A person has to want to change before change is doable. Faults pointed out or not. As you pointed out earlier, ego comes into play. Why a body would not want to change is beyond me. From the moment we're concieved, we are changing. Life changes with every person who comes and goes.

What is the saying to forgive is divine ? We should never forget the things we do or have had done to us. We should always be willing to forgive, however there is one problem with that, we judge ourselves to harshly. We are bad at forgiving one's own self.

 Forgiving is devine. It brings a peace over ones soul. I see nothing wrong with forgetting though. The forgiveness has happened, why allow youself to be burdened by horrible memories?

Men are hoarders particularly when it comes to the area of emotion. We just do not like to show it. we have been raised brought up that to show emotion or to cry is to show weakness and the weak are always the first to be killed, it is the strongest of the fittest after all that are the ones to survive.

 If men are emotional hoarders then why do some men forgive women, accept them back into their lives and pick up the friendship/relationship right where it left off?

Jeez here is is on a Sunday night and we are defining the spirit of man and discussing the Id of society.

 lol.. there are worse things we could be doing and/or saying to each other.



irish bloke wrote:
DDD wrote:

Why am i not suprised an alchoholic illiterate couldn't add anything to    this  discussion besides an exclamation fitting of a rather simple minded ,borish teenage girl? :D

Whats the matter? expend too much mental energy trying to sloppily convince another woman to go to Vegas with you or did i just use too many big words for your liking? ;D
      [P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"]I did not attack you in anyway. Even one other poster here had the same reaction I did but did not post it (LOL). You have just made my point about you. Just go away as you have followed me yet again to another forum. [SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"] [/SPAN][?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /][o:p][/o:p][/SPAN]

God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!

irish bloke

"Our own memories of any incident tend to be flawed in that aspect. We will tend to remember our selves as better or more altruistic than what that situation might have actually been like. Basically we paint ourselves in a better light, than what someone else will see."

Certainly it is always easier to paint one self as the victim.

"A stranger who meets us for the first time is more likely to see us for what we are, they see us as we are. they tend to see us without a veil over their eyes. . Until we can learn to see through the eyes of that stranger we will remain blind and unable to see our selves as flawed this is because our own id and our own ego our possessiveness abd  selfishness gets within the way. "

 Honestly i think most people are aware of their flaws. I dont believe  any of us can completely eliminate them but they can be tamed. it's just a matter of confronting  your  demons as they say.

"It takes a true friend to tell someone of their negatives and to be willing to show them to you."
 or someone  who is just an a**hole. LOL!

 "We men do not like to have our short comings pointed out to ourselves, We dislike it even more so if it is a woman pointing them out to ourselves."

I think the same applies to women as well. People generally expect their loved ones  to always side   with them and agree with them on everything no matter what and are often offended when they   dont do as expected.

What is the saying to forgive is divine ? We should never forget the things we do or have had done to us. We should always be willing to forgive,

Perhaps one should just be willing to let negative events in their lives not loom over their thoughts constantly. some things are unforgiveable i believe but at the same time brooding over them doesn't bode well for the soul.

irish bloke

"Just go away as you have followed me yet again to another forum. "

I joined this board   more than year back you simpleton. :D  


Lol, Bloke you can be so entertaining and such a pain at the same time.. I agree some things are unforgivable I however believe even if I can not extend my forgiveness I can at least extend Christs and perhaps in time I will be able to extend my forgiveness.. You joined this site in November of 2009. Welcome to DS by the way. You are always welcome to post here, just try to mind your manners a little.. =P Meaning try to have some fun and don't be to serious with anything or anybody on here..

I for one would like to see every one get along but I know that is not going to happen Even if I wish they could.

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.

irish bloke

"I for one would like to see every one get along but I know that is not going to happen Even if I wish they could. "

ha! i doubt world peace would have its start online of all places  :D


irish bloke wrote:
"Just go away as you have followed me yet again to another forum. "

I joined this board   more than year back you simpleton. :D    You may have joined but where very not active untill I came here.
     Time for you to man up........I have let things go but I see it will not be possible for you.  
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!

irish bloke

"Time for you to man up........"

 pardon me  for a moment i need to go burst  into  a fit of laughter from a statement like  this coming from someone like you.

excuse me ill be back later :D

oh yes and i did post on here before just under a different handle :P


Arguments on this forum.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


irish bloke wrote:
"Time for you to man up........"

pardon me  for a moment i need to go burst  into  a fit of laughter from a statement like  this coming from someone like you.

excuse me ill be back later :D

oh yes and i did post on here before just under a different handle :P
     RDL  ^^^^^^^
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


Orik wrote:
I agree some things are unforgivable

 I believe some things are harder to forgive than others but everything is forgivable.

 I for one would like to see every one get along but I know that is not going to happen Even if I wish they could.

Sometimes the best way to get along with someone is to simply ignore them. Which reminds me, is there a way to block posters on this forum?



If there is, I've not found it.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


 I thought I found it the other day. I added a name, saved the new setting but when I came back to the forum nothing had changed  =([/DIV]


DDD wrote:

oh yes and i did post on here before just under a different handle :P
 Im a bit lost so far. I take it you and Irish Bloke are good friends. lol.

  Did you say this DDD?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

Little Fish

 No Russ Irish Bloke said it & DDD was quoting it and stating Irish is in fact RDL or some one named Richard..

Tehborken outed a poster named Richard or was it some guy named Michael ?

Anyways some time last year or was it earlier this year ? there was a problem poster with some disgusting habits this person was allegedly posting images of gigantic dicks and other stuff. I forget the full details,  Teh Borken posted  What was it he posted.. ?? I think it was an Email and or IP address listed for an alleged Victoria university and some guys name attending it...

If memory serves me correctly the are accused of posting under-aged stuff  or under aged links.. What ever it was . What i do remember reading about it it was a bunch of nasty stuff at any rate and thankfully I am glad I was not here or on any of the other boards at the time when it occurred.

From what I remember reading about it all it was pretty disturbing and it took place across ? 4to 6 ? forum boards. note the question marks I am not 100 percent certain on everything that actually occurred, I was sick at the time all this happened and missed it. Only Teh Borken is able and PC might be able to give full details on what actually did happen. ..

All that truly matters to me, is the board is clean and none of the aforementioned stuff has been posted since the incidences way back then.. Or if they have occurred since. I have thankfully not seen any of it..

I will let D and Natasha explain more, that is if they wish to. It was really nasty and it took place across a few forums it was not just DS that took the brunt of this posters disgusting links of photos or what not.... I do remember Teh Borken losing his patience and he let his righteous anger lose on the poster... Something I kind of wish more forums did with asinine douche bags who post crap of that sort...

Anyways thats what I remember mind you my mind is foggy on lots of things that took place before march to many medications and to much time spaced out sick..

