11 Places to Meet Women

Started by Lise, Sep 05 08 05:54

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Really? Really? Gas station is the top of the list?

   [OL] [LI]Gas stations [/LI][/OL] We've had gas stations in mind ever since we heard a story actor James Woods told on a late-night talk show about how he met his then-wife while filling his tank. "I asked her about the car she was driving because I said I was thinking about buying one," said the actor. And hey, how about these rising gas prices? Sheesh!          2.    The Beach  OK, maybe this one's a little on the obvious side. But... think of the beach as one giant meeting place. Everyone's relaxed and there's always a topic of conversation -- from "Yes, that's one of Danielle Steel's best..." to "Can you oil the small of my back?" "The beach is fine," says the workout goddess next to us on the treadmill. "Because it's a neutral place and unthreatening. Everyone's there to relax and have a good time."          3.    Classes "Not at the gym," says Katherine M., a government worker. "I'm sweaty, and I'm there to work out." But we think fitness classes are ideal. "If you go to a yoga class and you have really strong leg muscles, all the women are like, 'Ooh, who's that?" says 25-year-old server Roseanna Marsh. "And if there's a guy in a Pilates class, the girls will be all over him." But don't just think fitness. Think cooking, language or emergency preparedness -- maybe it's just us, but don't you want your next girlfriend to have her own industrial-strength flashlight and six months' supply of canned goods?          4.    Laundromats  What could be sexier or more provocative than all those frilly things tumbling around in a hot, vibrating container? Plus, there's something about meeting at the laundromat that says "destiny," especially on a Friday or Saturday night. Not that we would know. Plus everyone's kind of bored and most likely dying for a conversation. "Hmmm, I guess it would be OK," says student Anna Carruth, "as long as I'm not washing my thongs."         5.    Wine Tastings  A no-brainer, really. Wine has never been sexier than at this moment in time and women love their wine. A little effort on your part and you should be able to find a tasting -- whether at a store or a fundraiser or trade show -- in your city. From there, it's a simple matter to brush up on your lingo, at least enough to bluff your way around a pinot noir. Drop the line, "A hint of black cherry in the finish" and she'll be putty at your feet.          6.    Political Rallies/Protests[FONT color=#4040ff] (perfect for SD!!!) [/FONT] Sure, they might turn into riots (remember "the Battle in Seattle?") with tear gas and Taser guns, but what's more romantic than meeting someone special while running from baton-wielding police?         7.    Seniors Homes  No, we're not advocating picking up the elderly, though they do have the best stories. But we couldn't help notice, the last time we visited our dear old gran (R.I.P.), that her extended care facility was staffed by a bevy of beauties. Best of all, women you meet at a seniors' home are bound to be compassionate, caring... and willing to put up with your incontinence which may come in handy down the road. Hospitals are also good, says Michael Kissinger. "It shows you're vulnerable," says the journalist.         8.     Church  Just because she's praying doesn't mean she's unavailable. In fact, she might be going to church to get from the Man Upstairs what she's not getting from the men in her life. But guys, be careful with this one; show some respect, and have some Bible, or at least biblical-sounding, psalms or quotes or something to throw out there when the conversation turns to spirituality. Or rent The Ten Commandments. "When I was in Bible study class, I met a group of singles," says Kim Brakop, a graphic designer and born-again Christian. "We'd always get together and then go for brunch after. I think a couple became paired. But there wasn't pressure to do that."         9.    Bookstores  An obvious one, perhaps, but we're talking specifically about the self-help section. Happy, contented women in relationships aren't the ones flipping through He's Just Not Into You. These are women likely to be single. Plus, browsing the self-help section yourself makes you look as though you're "doing some work" on yourself (as if... right guys?). And it's easy to strike up a conversation about the important stuff -- dating, relationships and chakras.          10.    Paintball  Since we are fascinated by the idea of paintball but would usually just rather stay inside scrapbooking, this is one idea we never would have thought of on our own. It comes courtesy Dylan Alexander, author of Online Casanova , who tells us "the downtime in between games" is a good time to meet women, as everyone is in an excited state and there's a feeling of high energy in the field or forest or jungle or wherever it is you do such things. One downside: the goggles and facemasks can make it difficult to see who you're talking to.         11.    Strip Clubs  Yes, you read that right. Another of Alexander's suggestions. But don't go for the strippers, he says. "Go for the girls who go to watch. They are in an excited state and tipsy, and there's lots of downtime between dancers." You're best off approaching the whole group, although if it's a girl's night out you might have your work cut out for you. In which case, you can always get a lap dance.

 [A href="http://vancouver.24hrs.ca/Dating/2008/05/27/5696836.html"]Source[/A]

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Pubs, not niteclubs, are my favorite place to meet gals. Girls seem more relaxed and not as...not sure what it is? I usually end up dating the waitresses though, not the patrons. ha!    
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!

Teh Lise

Uhm.... what's the difference between a pub and nightclub? I thought they were the same?  


Pub and a niteclub??

A pub is almost like a restaurant atmosphere. Pool tables, darts, games, fireplace, TVs, lots of beer types on tap.

  Niteclubs are generally a dance atmosphere and are more for 19-24 year olds. Lots of bubble headed girls bouncing off the walls.

  I will only go to a nite club if a good band is playing. I hate pop/bubblegum/dance music. Mind you, I am past that age group too.
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


Ugh I hate nightclubs.
Ahaha I actually met someone at a political rally last year. go figure eh.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


pubs are great though. I can have a beer with anyone from 19 to 109 in a relaxed atmosphere.
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


true. Pubs are great in Canada. I don't go near a pub in the states though, they're not really friendly.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Calgary has great Irish and Scottish pubs. They are known for their patios and hot ladies. Vancouver isn't too shabby either.

You should try Portland for a pub if you ever pass through. Always someone on a guitar with tons of talent.

  I guess Portland is a different universe away from St. Louis hey?
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


Well its more of Missouri. Instead of saying no to smoking, we actively promote it and .25 to 1 dollar pitcher nights means rowdiness. Then there's the fact that not a lot of people hang out in bars per say. They're full of alcoholics and people with emphysema. They're just not a great place to hang out, unless you're Sarah Palin folk. That's why they invented a sports bar.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

Add Supermarkets to the list.
 You can tell by looking in the basket whether someone is single or not.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Oh, and the library. :)  


hahaha. I was told growing up that's where the smart girls are.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Never thought of the supermarket as a place to meet girls. Seems everyone is too stressed out and just hurrying to get the heck outta there.

I once met a girl in a mosh pit in the 90s. She was an American cutie at a Nine Inch Nails concert. Lasted about a day though. Still, I don't have any regrets!!

La la la la laaaa!!!
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


Van - you could flirt with the good-looking cashiers.

  Oh, just thought of another place.

  Bank and Transit.


Van wrote:
I once met a girl in a mosh pit in the 90s. She was an American cutie at a Nine Inch Nails concert. Lasted about a day though. Still, I don't have any regrets!!

La la la la laaaa!!!

  So, did you claim top or bottom?