Michel wrote:
That's the good part of TV, it at least awares you about places and things or cultures we would never had heard about otherwise most of the time. I don't like Treasure hunters (I think it's the name of the program, or maybe Sea hunters?), but I often catched the last 2 minutes before my program begins, and I always enjoy the part when that old man (from Vancouver I think) says "Now it's your turn to get off the couch and go explore the sea, the mountains and the deserts, it's the biggest adventure you'll get in your life" or something like that. Very inspiring.
Its Sea Hunters. The guy with glasses on the show is from vancouver and the show is sponsored by canada.. I wholeheartedly support the show.
the guy that comes on at the end is and american.. hes a popular writer that uses his own money to support searches and documentaries on historical shipwrecks and battles. \
His name is Clive Cussler.
I too hate channels I dont want.. but thats how the cable companies afford to comply with canada's communist system of having the cable companies pay to support the canadian content channels. Even though nobody in canada watches them. How do you think the film credits and such for canadian filmakers come about? Its supported through the cable... which has to be paid for somehow.