Michel wrote:
Têt is the Lunar new year in Viet Nam Orik. It was at that time that the famous Têt offensive (I'm surprised you never heard that name) was launched by the Viet Cong and the Viet Minh in 1968. It failed rapidly militarily outside of Hué where the US had to fight for a month before retaking the city. However the Têt offensive was a victory on the political scene has it totally changed the perception of the war in USA and convince Lyndon B Johnson as not presenting himself at the presidential elections, as the official lie so far was that the anticommunists were winning the War without any problem. Most of the Viet Nam war scenes you see today of urban heavy fighting come from that episode. Even the US embassy in Saigon was under siege. Biggest political mistake of the Viet Cong and the Viet Minh was to order the population not to arise, as they were scared to be pass over on their Left and that the liberation war become a revolution. In USA, even Nixon the warmonger was obliged to present himself to the elections saying he would stop the war when in fact he spreaded it secretely to Cambodia and Laos. Reminds me of Obama with Pakistan right now...
Chuc Mung Nam Moi to the Vietnamese people! Doc Lap !
That was the historical minute lol
I am impressed. Both on your historical details and the current reading on things.
I managed to get through Tet relatively unscathed - i do have an office party today - this should be the last of the festivities. Whew!
Chuc Mung Nam Moi (roughly translated - Congratulations New Year) to you too.