exotic interesting food you have had

Started by purelife, Mar 07 08 11:22

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Eckghhh....I was afraid to see what you might have eaten next.  

  You might want to tuck a few of these in your pack on the next visit.  Astronaut food.  (I put some of these in Mr. P.C.'s stocking many years ago....they are still here.  One was astronaut PIZZA and one of the ice creams)

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 P.C. wrote:
Eckghhh....I was afraid to see what you might have eaten next.  
You might want to tuck a few of these in your pack on the next visit.  Astronaut food.  (I put some of these in Mr. P.C.'s stocking many years ago....they are still here.  One was astronaut PIZZA and one of the ice creams)

The astro ice cream is moderately edible  never tried the pizza -
Tonight was duck - it was absolutely wonderful - the best duck i've ever had.- juicy - tender - sweet .
The food here is pretty good - my first gig on the Gobi I lost over 10 pounds in 6 weeks.  
I don't have ten pounds to lose - I'm a pretty lean guy.  
It was not good.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


No you don't have 10 pounds to lose.

  I think I'll book myself 2 weeks in the Gobi.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 P.C. wrote:
No you don't have 10 pounds to lose.
I think I'll book myself 2 weeks in the Gobi.

It's one of my favorite places in the whole world to visit - wouldn't want to live there.  most intense wind I've ever experienced, the most intense rain I've ever experienced, the most intense heat I've ever experienced, some of the most intense solitude, I guess what i'm getting at is it's pretty intense.  People are absolutely great - but unless you like boiled mutton - you won't like the food much.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


Boiled mutton sounds extremely unappealing.  But if the only other thing on the menu is dog guts, boiled mutton sounds yummy.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 P.C. wrote:
Boiled mutton sounds extremely unappealing.  But if the only other thing on the menu is dog guts, boiled mutton sounds yummy.

Hey it might have been really cholestoral clogged waterbuffalo veins ?!
I think I'd take the dog guts actually - have you ever smelled mutton boiling over an open campfire??  It's not a smell you soon forget.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


I'll take the mutton.  You could even throw in some brussel sprouts, parsnips, tofu and some sea urchins, and I'll still take the mutton over dog guts.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


P.C. wrote:
 No you don't have 10 pounds to lose.

  I think I'll book myself 2 weeks in the Gobi.  

 Sweet the ultimate weight loss programme.


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



 Michel wrote:
I need backpacking vacations.

It's funny how we all want what we do not have - I'd love to be at home eating meatloaf - and not see a back pack for a year ot two

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


 Sportsdude wrote:
P.C. wrote:
 No you don't have 10 pounds to lose.
I think I'll book myself 2 weeks in the Gobi. [/div]  [/p] Sweet the ultimate weight loss programme.[/p]Now theres a money maker - get fat north americans to pay you gobs of money and feed them boiled mutton and sniff them once ina while.  
 [/p] [div]
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


Mostly pretty tame stuff tonight and watermellon for desert.

I had rice with chopped up peanuts for lunch - quite nice texture

I forgot to mention the fish egg clumps (individual eggs not discernable) of a few nights ago - so the fish is cooked (baked) and inside teh fish is a glump of pale yellow material - that i understand is fish egg - had the taste of absolutely nothing - no flavour at all - when you first bite it texture of uber dry stuffing - after a few bite and added mousture becomes kinda gluish and your molars kinda stick a bit - overall I'd give it a D- on overall appeal.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


........- that i understand is fish egg - had the taste of absolutely nothing - no flavour at all - when you first bite it texture of uber dry stuffing - after a few bite and added mousture becomes kinda gluish and your molars kinda stick a bit -

  As unappealing as that sounds, it's ranks as 'cuisine', compared to dog guts.  This has inspired me to perhaps include 'giving thanks' at each meal.  I'm not a 'grace' kind of person, but I can see where it can be applicable.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 P.C. wrote:
[em]........- that i understand is fish egg - had the taste of absolutely nothing - no flavour at all - when you first bite it texture of uber dry stuffing - after a few bite and added mousture becomes kinda gluish and your molars kinda stick a bit -[/em]
As unappealing as that sounds, it's ranks as 'cuisine', compared to dog guts.  This has inspired me to perhaps include 'giving thanks' at each meal.  I'm not a 'grace' kind of person, but I can see where it can be applicable.

Dear Lord - let us be thankful that we are not eating dog guts like VG in Vietnam ... Amen

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


That's the one !!  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="http://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c016.gif" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
