Our company had a similiar memo sent to everyone.
This one was about the use of heating up your food in the microwave.
Every floor of our company has at least one microwave with the exception of the lunch room where there is two. One of the floors has the boardroom and people have complained that someone has been microwaving strong smelly food that permeates the entire floor.
Everyone in our company was told to eat at the lunchroom and not to microwave our lunches in the shared microwave and to not eat at our desks.
First of all, there are only two microwaves at the lunch room and over 300 employees. Second of all, most or all of us are super busy and don't have the time to go take the elevator, with your food, hoping that the microwave is free for use. We might as well not eat between noon and 2pm because it's super busy at these times.
Nobody on our floor is caring about this. They still continue to microwave their food at our shared microwave and eat at their desk.
I understand that some foods like boiled eggs, sardines or anything with a strong fishy smell, when microwaved, can stink up the entire room. That's why these people who bring that sort of lunches are told to eat in the lunchroom. (and I would too if I ate these types of food). But, we were told that if we don't have a handle on this matter, our microwaves will be confiscated. I honestly think that they should've emailed that one particular floor who had the problem instead of sending it to the entire company and making everyone else suffer.