[DIV class=articleheadings] [DIV class=headlines] [H1]Wal-Mart worker dies after shoppers knock him down[/H1]
[P class=byline]By COLLEEN LONG, Associated Press Writer
[P class=date]Friday, November 28, 2008
[/DIV][!--/.articleheadings --][!-- types/article/articletools.tmpl --] [DIV class="tools tools_top"] [DIV class=hr](11-28) 12:37 PST NEW YORK, (AP) --[/DIV]
[DIV id=articlecontent] [DIV class="bodytext bodytext_top" id=bodytext_top] [DIV class="georgia md" id=fontprefs_top] A Wal-Mart worker was killed Friday after an "out of control" throng of shoppers eager for post-Thanksgiving bargains broke down the doors at a suburban store and knocked him to the ground, police said.
[A href="vny!://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/11/28/national/a080140S70.DTL"]vny!://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/11/28/national/a080140S70.DTL[/A]