44 Subpoenas Against Republican Pervert Protection Racket

Started by Adam_Fulford, Oct 06 06 11:53

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 [a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061005/ap_on_go_co/congress_pages"]Panel approves subpoenas in page scandal[/a][div class="storyhdr"][span] By LARRY MARGASAK, Associated Press Writers [/span] [em class="timedate"]Thu Oct  5,  7:47 PM ET[/em] [/p]           [/div]   WASHINGTON - The House ethics committee approved nearly four dozen subpoenas Thursday as its investigation of a page sex scandal sprang to life with a promise by its leaders to go "wherever the evidence leads us."
[/p][div class="mainphoto"]   [a href="http://news.yahoo.com/photo/061005/photos_pl_afp/6ad9a1f9074a1c434149a9bb63b4683d&g=events/pl/092906markfoley;_ylt=ApmKeWjDKEcfLNqF.wEIe5KMwfIE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3bGk2OHYzBHNlYwN0bXA-" onclick="openSS(this.href);return false;"][img]http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/afp/20061005/capt.sge.uhq33.051006231350.photo02.photo.default-357x512.jpg?x=180&y=258&sig=trxyi2lZNbvX5l1QM4kDig--" alt="US House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-IL, speaks to the media outside his office in Batavia, Illinois. Hastert, who is under fire for not addressing warnings concerning questionable emails being sent by Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) to minor boys working as congressional pages, said he takes responsibility stating, " the="" buck="" stops="" here="" .(afp/getty="" images/scott="" olson="" border="0" height="258" width="180"]   [/a] [div class="source"][a href="http://news.yahoo.com/photo/061005/photos_pl_afp/6ad9a1f9074a1c434149a9bb63b4683d&g=events/pl/092906markfoley;_ylt=AuFBA1YBR0oCJkBkN_KV.uGMwfIE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3bGk2OHYzBHNlYwN0bXA-" onclick="openSS(this.href);return false;"]AFP/Getty Images Photo:[/a]        For several years,
US House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-IL,
protected Republican Pervert Congress Rep Mark Foley.  [/div]  [/div][a  href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061005/ap_on_go_co/congress_pages"]CLICK HERE to read more about this shameful Republican Scandal[/a]


I don't mean to nitpick, but technically all the people he was flirting with were over the legal age of consent, thus "pedophilia" might not be the appropriate term. I just call him a f*cking scumbag.  
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


 tenkani wrote:
I don't mean to nitpick, but technically all the people he was flirting with were over the legal age of consent, thus "pedophilia" might not be the appropriate term. I just call him a f*cking scumbag.

Yeah, he's not a pedophile under the law. But he probably would be if given the chance.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


And unless I'm mistaken, this walking turd was on a committee handling the issue of missing and exploited children. Talk about a conflict of interest. That's like having a former defense contractor executive handling the disbursal of reconstruction contracts in Iraq. Like that would ever happen...  
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


  tenkani wrote:
I don't mean to nitpick, but technically all the people he was flirting with were over the legal age of consent, thus "pedophilia" might not be the appropriate term. I just call him a f*cking scumbag.

OK.  It's not absolutely accurate  How about power-abusing "borderline pedophile" with a history of exploiting teenage congressional pages placed under the trust of Congress?  Does that sound a little better?


That's perfect Adam.
Mind if I use it?
P.S. the dems are nearly as corrupt, just not quite as skilled at bullshit.
VOTE 2nd party!!!!
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


 tenkani wrote:
That's perfect Adam.
Mind if I use it?
P.S. the dems are nearly as corrupt, just not quite as skilled at bullshit.
VOTE 2nd party!!!!

I have hopes Green Party, though it is still in an embryonic phase, since ultimately the state of the environment is the state of our existence.  The Conservatives are a non-independent ditto-head clone of the Corporanderthal American Republican party, right down to using gun registration as a hot-button issue.  The Liberals are wasteful and corrupt, and, like the Conservatives, servants to corporate interests.  The NDP would be Communist if it could get away with it, and would pollute the environment if that was the price of getting the support of obsolete unions.