P.C. wrote:
"I'm not scared of voicing my real opinions either....I just don't feel a need to back it up with my name address and phone number. I don't believe there is a forum ANYWHERE that I would feel comfortable doing that. The information I can learn from forums is not enhanced or more valid coming from a name, that I don't know anyway. If an eight year old couldn't grasp this concept, their computer privileges would be terminated.
Would the racist crap be any more valid if the poster had used his real name

I don't think so. Nor does it make comments from anyone foolish enough to use their real name any more credible.
Annika Vanion"
[FONT color=#0000bf]We have a difference of opinion, P.C. Simple as that. The main thing is that someone posted vile hate messages with
my name, and I will try to rectify it via legal channels (at the very least, it'll be interesting to see how it plays out, and it'll make trouble for DV's owners, and that in itself will even the score to some extent). I won't hide behind a handle. If it's foolish to write in my actual name, I join a great number of fools who I respect greatly. [/FONT]
[FONT color=#0000bf]On another note, Weird Al's post was pretty witty, I'll grant him that (and I appreciatively note the subject matter which he felt worthy of devoting his time and creative efforts).[/FONT]