So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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uhm, topless?  I'll pour the wine.  Red or white?


Monkee....purelife, Isis, SD, Lil Me, Schade....guests....lurkers.....a good day to all

  Sounding like a frisky little lunch room today.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


yup just a tad on the wild side  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


[A onclick="open('arbre.php?0=Sexy&last=ptitebrunequilessecoue.gif','tree','')" href=""][img onmouseover=show(); title=proimg60x608xp.gif onmouseout=hide(); alt=proimg60x608xp.gif src="" border=0 name=imagetoresize][/A].
"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."


"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."


Is it lunch yet ?    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Were you bottle fed Schade ?   Just a little theory I have.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

PostMonkee @(^_^)@


Lunch....yeah...some milk would be nice...  
Jesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing - intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out. The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes. Flee.


Isis wrote: topic a bit....


It's all booked...I can't wait...does someone want to be charitable and offer their place to stay when I come back without my shirt?[/DIV]
   I wish this girl would go to Vegas.

  [A onclick="open('arbre.php?0=Sexy&last=christinabooby2.gif','tree','')" href=""][img onmouseover=show(); title=christinabooby.gif onmouseout=hide(); alt=christinabooby.gif src="" border=0 name=imagetoresize][/A]
"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."


    [img style="WIDTH: 344px; HEIGHT: 438px" height=1174 src="" width=1212]


[img style="WIDTH: 283px; HEIGHT: 243px" height=1171 src="" width=1135]

another pic from our highway


Wow, pitbull. Lovely pics. That rain one looks a bit depressing.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


It rained all weather..then rain...made the rivers swell...badly

[img style="WIDTH: 554px; HEIGHT: 692px" height=1129 src="" width=1070]

[img style="WIDTH: 411px; HEIGHT: 264px" height=1137 src="" width=1040]

sorry...that last one...was taken..through my very dirty windshield...while on the fly...  


That's frightening!  Is your place threatened if the river rises very much higher?
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Scary Miss Pitt......I hope all will be OK for you.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
