So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Starfish Scientist

yes POPCORN :)

  about the instant filipino noodles, is it like the *hot* tom yum instant noodles?


what movie? where?

  one doesnt not need a reason to popcorn oneself young padawan

    we are watching 'missing' or whatever its called.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Hello SS and I don't know whether we've actually met before because my brain is dry and shrivelled after a hard days slobbing around the office!!!

   about the instant filipino noodles, is it like the *hot* tom yum instant noodles?

  I just checked the label and it's actually called "Pinoy Chicken Mami". How hawt is THAT???

Sounds like something I'd say during teh sex. And then my lovely filipina girlfriend would respond "Ooooie! Ya like that my Pinoy Chicken Papi!!"

  *lost in reverie*

*bleeds from nose*

*passes out*

For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


Okay this is going to sound weird but Good Morning everyone. lol.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


lol good morning *yawn*  I went to bed at 9pm.  When I just woke up 15 minutes ago I thought it was 4am. lol  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


It will be lasagna if I remember to take it with me...if not..then a nice ham and swiss sandwiche.


Morning Pitbull and everyone else!  :)

  Mmmm.....ham sammich... pure yummy...wanna send some my way too? ;)

  I'll be having some chicken (as plain as chicken can get) with an apple.      

pitbullca.bc food?


something like that! :)  I'm trying to eat more healthy....less carbs....

  Oh, I found this funny picture.



Ah good morning everybody

just had a ham and cheese omelet for lunch.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


well...good day to all....time to get ready for work!  Enjoy all your lunches...had life cereal for breakfast.


I didnt know that life cereal was still around.. Im a cheerios man myself.

  Well, my day started off with a HUGE stink in the house. So I start wandering around with my nose until I come to the scourge of the smell... one of my 9 inch long algae eater fish died and was floating in my tank.. and ALREADY stinking  like hell. It was fine last night at 10pm when I fed my fish for the second time. I decided to take it out of the tank and have a coffee before cleaning my fishtank again.. i had removed the charcoal from my filter when I put some medication in and cause of that my tank got a bit green, so it was time to clean anyhow.

  Meanwhile I took the stinking fish outside onto the back deck and put it in a garbage bag to take to the trash later. I walk inside, you think I would have clued in something was going to happen when the cat was meowing and doing figure 8's around my legs. After I cleaned the tank and flushed the water a few times, the cat got really annoying, so I grabbed her and threw her outside onto the back deck and closed the door. I then refilled the tank and doused the water. Let the filters take up the rest.. I take the rest of the garbage I had out onto the deck and as soon as I opened the back door I was assaulted by a horrid smell.

  The CAT had knocked over the bucket with the plastic bagged fish in it, and torn the plastic bag to shreds. She then had proceeded to disect and smear my fish all over the back deck in the process. I guess this was to make sure we didnt get rid of the smell too quickly for her, it also could be so that she would have a smorgasboard of food. I could see the tail by the plastic bag, the parts and innards all along the length of the deck, then the head was between her paws, and all over her face and fur.

  Now I started cleaning everything up on the back deck all the while throwing comments at the furry beast, when the dog came out on the back deck. Now the worst thing happens here, I didnt notice the dog come out and continued berating the cat while I swear she smiled at me. The dog starting barking at the cat and starting chasing her.. she came at me and jumped up! Now I was covered in stinky fish guts that left me gagging, so I ripped off my shirt and pants throwing them away to get rid of the smell. Then I noticed the neighbor staring at me from his back deck at me in my underwear and slippers. Great. thats all I need, they already think we are crazy over here.

  I left the dog outside to play with my shirt, trying to attack it cause of the smell, and took the cat inside to clean off.

  Im now on another cup of coffee with the furry beast glaring at me cause I took that wonderful cat cologne off her of dead algae eater.

  So, hows everyone else's day?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Oh my goodness RUSS!  What a morning!  I always like your stories.  All I can say is, CAT LOVES FISH!  Could you have flushed that fishy down the toilet?  I LOL'ed when you told us about you ripping your shirt and pants and then your neighbor saw you!  LOL.  Sorry, I'm not being insensitive here...I was just trying to picture that.  ;)  hee hee....

  I hope that the smell is gone now.  


Thank goodness the cat v. dog wars are over at my house.  Tigs and the Oz luv each other.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
