So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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I just boiled them, Lil Me - until recently I'd only roasted them. I was realy surprised to find what a nice flavour they had.

  Today: Roast chicken, mashed potatoes and (again) parsnips.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


 Parsnips are one of those vegetables that make me physically retch.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Retch away, I had them again today  - with Bratwurst.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Roast pork, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, carrots, leek, curly kale, apple sauce, stuffing and gravy - followed by fruit crumble and custard. And now I'm most uncomfortably full.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Good morning current time 1209 am moday the early hours lol. in a short bit i am off to work, lunch today will be middle of the night what ever the hell is open near my job site or 2 apples and a that's about it.

breakfast is going to be 2 chicken legs and some potatoes which will be ready in about 15 more minutes...  

well time to go hit the shower dress and get ready to head out the door to work for 8 hours

yeah this forum is very silent. whats needed to bring the posters  back and give life to DS once more. I am in to read every other day. if i don't fall asleep as soon as i sit in front of my computer. living a night owls life is a real cow...

 parsnips make me want to gag also i dislike them as much as a turnip, i think they are the same type of veggie too. ... whats wrong with good old carrots and broccoli..

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


[span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]Roast pork, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, carrots, leek, curly kale, apple sauce, stuffing and gravy - followed by fruit crumble and custard. And now I'm most uncomfortably full.[/span]

Gophie !!!! You're uncomfortably full ?  I should say so !!!  

Orik, I'm with you on the turnip too.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Hi guys.  Miss everyone.

We had a nice CNY dinner over at my mom's.  There was so much food and it was all so delicious.  She gave us leftovers too.  

We've been pretty busy and it has been chaotic for the past couple of days.  There was yet another problem in our suite - a leak.  So, landlord acted quickly and checked all the pipes around the house.  It was stressful because I had to stay at mom's with baby for a few nights and it was crazy there because I really don't like him sleeping on the same bed with me.  And he prefers his own bed.  It was good to be home back to regular routine.  We were all so stressed out because we thought of the worst case scenario - landlord having to excavate the perimeter of the house with bulldozers/wrecking ball, etc or a huge flood if it poured rain.  Thank goodness that wasn't the case.  It was such a hassle!!  Thank goodness that is over.  I really don't like to have my home interrupted.  I was this close to calling it quits and moving out.  I was running out of patience.

Anyways, baby is doing great!  He's such a happy lil babeeeeee.


Hey purelife!  Glad to hear that everything worked out in your home.

  Not a whole lot going on in my world.  Started going to bed at 9pm on weeknights- after I started feeling a bit ooky last week.  I think the extra sleep + vitamin C prevented me from getting sick.

  Spent Sat helping a friend + his wife move.  It was weird.  Usually people have the boxes packed before you show up.  Not these guys.  Then they started arguing about what was going/staying.  That was uncomfortable.  Get this- the old residence has areas that are completely uninhabitable due to an incontinent cat.  They are still arguing about whether the cat is coming with them to the new residence, which is clean and beautiful.  wtf?    


Hi purelife, Lil Me

I always looked forward to pics of all the yummy stuff Lise use to make for CNY.  

Uneventful here.  Redecorating a few rooms.  Finding myself getting tired quickly...I think it's time to get to some outdoors stuff.  Seems like it's been a particularly long winter.  Mild, but long.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


They want to keep the cat? weird.

Indeed its been a mild winter. I've injured my heel/high ankle knee sprain on both legs making it hard to walk. Hopefully, this is a good enough excuse to get out of friends calling and asking me to go to the Colbert Report tomorrow or a wingman for my buddy at these ridiculous 'disney epcot-esque' cultural houses. I've got a lot to work to do.

My roommate and his gf finally quit their 'love in' 'bed in' and went back to Abbotsford so I got the place to myself now finally (the other went to Vegas to 'avoid the crowds' (what crowds?) and the other is touring Vancouver Island).

Now I got a call last night saying my MSP fax didn't go through great...
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


P.C. wrote:
Uneventful here.  Redecorating a few rooms.  Finding myself getting tired quickly...I think it's time to get to some outdoors stuff.  Seems like it's been a particularly long winter.  Mild, but long.


 Hi P.C.  Those are my thoughts exactly.  I've got a jillion things to do indoors, but I'm BORED!



That's the weird thing.  I have a gajillion things I could/should do....but I'm lacking 'something' to make me do it.  All I can come up with is a lack of fresh air and sunshine.  
Shampooing my rugs today.  Ho hum.   (It's really disturbing how much gunk comes out of them)
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Curried pirogies.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Chicken, pasta and peas.
A fool's paradise is better than none.



We went to a costume/contempary clothing sale.  These clothes come from movie sets.  So, MrPL picked up 3 pairs of suit type dress pants and a suit jacket and a belt all for $27!!  Then, we checked out the props store near by.  Oh, if I had lots of money.... the things they have in there is unbelievable.  The furniture is so cool along with the knick knacks.  And the price was affordable.  Then, we headed to downtown to check the Olympic stuff.  I wasn't impressed.  And did I tell you how much I HATE crowds!?  Even moreso now?!!!!!
