So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Ooooo....sounds exciting !  How cool would that be to have your photos in a museum !!!  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



Happy Canada Day! What a past 24hrs

went for a walk to take pictures of old buildings on Main to show the young kids out there that Vancouver has history (found a building from 1910)
-remembered Nat Bailey has the same building pattern as Wrigley (same era) oh lookie there a game was about to play
-went to the game dragged my buddy out of work
-fireworks afterward
-met up with friends went to this strange party in an undisclosed location til 3am a 'warehouse' 'art' party lol more like a rave
-went to Cannabis Day
-walked around Stanley Park
-going to see fireworks

Nope PL, didn't get to Greekfest.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 I didn't go to Greekfest either.  I was just wondering how it was if any one of you went.

We went to Steveston Richmond for the festivities but showed up pretty late as it closed at 5.  We had KFC for dinner.

Hi Michel!  Nice to see you around again. :)



Oh okay, well the festival runs until Sunday. I've got a midterm on Monday, so I doubt I'll go.

I'm skipping out on the fireworks. I was going to go but a friend couldn't make it.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me


Home from the community Canada Day celebration.  Arrived just as the opening ceremony was finishing and stayed until the fireworks.  Firefighters' BBQ salmon for dinner- nice plate of salmon, salad, a potato and bun for $8- proceeds to the Burn Unit.  I shared a plate with Jeckyl.

  I got lazy and didn't bring the chairs, so my @$$ is sore from sitting on the ground for 10 hours.

  But fun times with friends and neighbours, and great live music.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


We also skipped out on the fireworks. Too exhausting to do anything after a couple of hours with the kids.

  Right, we're off to Seattle this morning. Mommy needs me a pair of Nine West shoes! Outlets, here we come!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


  Thanks for keeping alive my country's economy Lise! We'll repay you with a thank you card of bad economic trade schemes that we devise only for the betterment of our nation's multi-national corporations. ;)

Speaking of Seattle, a friend and I are thinking of driving down to the city in September to see the Mariners play and see Ken Griffey. He's retiring at the end of the year, so there goes another part of my childhood.

But on the plus side I'll get to see Safeco field which means I've been to stl, wrigley, miller, tampa, atlanta, fenway, baltimore, cleveland, seattle.

My favs are fenway, wrigley, and milwaukee (miller).

One place I really want to see a game is Pittsburgh.

I just find the back drop amazing with the Roberto Clemente Bridge, the skyline, the river.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Hmmm, right.......

  Well, OK... skipped out on the Nine West shoes. They didn't have my size but at least I got something else. A sexy high heels that will probably kill my toes within the hour but wth - at least I look good in them.

  Border wait time wasn't too bad. Took us 30 mins to cross into the state and virtually no wait coming back. Everything there is on sale. I absolutely LOVE shopping at Walmart, Target and Macy. I don't get why we don't get great sales here as well.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Hi everyone.

Got a question for everyone.

Is it unreasonable to ask your Landlord to get a better control of their almost 3 yr old boy who just LOVES to run and jump on the hardwood upstairs?  MrPL has asked them politely to stop the running because one time, the kid caused one of our picture frames to come off the wall.  It would be dangerous if we had a baby.  All the landlord could say was "Wait until you have a kid!"  Oh, I couldn't believe he said that.  They also have another boy who is going to turn 1 in a few months.  There will be no doubt that the both of them will be stomping, jumping and running around.

We are excellent tenants for them, super quiet who don't even crank up our music with the loud base and I know other tenants do that.  We could crank our music with the base but we chose not to because we respect them upstairs.

Your feedback is appreciated because I'm thinking of giving Mr. Landlord a mouthful but I don't want to be out of line.


It's not unreasonable to ask your landlord to control their children because you are expecting a wee one on the way, IMHO. However, choose your words carefully and don't get too angry or frustrated if things do not go your way. Remember that when your baby arrives, the landlord family will have to put up with the noise so you might want to consider choosing your battle ground.

  Either case, just make the landlord aware that you would really appreciate if they can just tell junior to settle down a bit. Just until baby has settle down and things are more in control.

  Good luck!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Oh purelife....I feel your pain.  

Having said my opinion, I'm not sure it would be wise to complain about the landlords children.  I just take it as the downfalls of apartment life.  I don't think I would have said 'Just wait until you have a kid'...but to a certain extent, I couldn't imagine restricting a child from moving in the way children move.  I know for me, that was about the time I moved away from apartment life.  It was a constant worry to be sensitive to the people below me.

I know that's probably not what you wanted to remember, that's just one person's opinion.  

Maybe you could buy them a nice cushy rug ?      
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I'll buy them carpet!  LOL.  

Thanks for the feedback ladies.  I just can't wait to move out in a place all to ourselves.  

I know that they are trying to get a better control of their little one.  They tell me that when they tell their wee one to stop because people live downstairs, he goes jumping and running even louder and harder.  *sigh*  I'll see how things go.  They are great landlords and we are great tenants too.  We don't want to jeopardize the relationship.  There are many things that I just bite my tongue about because I don't want to make anyone's life hard.  


It's a tough situation for those above and those below.  I'm not sure which is worse.  We were really lucky in our apartment in North Van.  The suite that was on the bottom floor (from the front) but one story up from the back....had a HUGE balcony.  It covered the parking area in the back.  We had a swingset out there, a sandbox, her bicycle, potted trees.  It was awesome.  Best possible case scenario for kids and apartments.  Loved that far as apartments go....but wasn't sad to trade for a house with a yard.

I hope it works out purelife.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Lil Me

Hey everyone!

  purelife- I feel your pain!  I remember what it was like being pregnant in the summer.  I didn't get dizzy, but I did get heat rash and used a ton of Gold Bond that summer.

  Hang in there with respect to the apt.  You have a lovely place there.  

  *sighs* I'm quite familiar with the subject of noise complaints.  Here's the official line: I have alot of them come across my desk here in the complex.  As long as everyone is quiet by 10pm (music turned down, appliances off, kiddies in bed), and the noise isn't "excessive", people are within their rights to make regular "living" noises.  The unofficial line: there are a lot of jackasses who stomp around in workboots, toddlers who play Hot Wheels on the hardwood, people who drag their chairs around, and shift workers who argue loudly and have audible sex at 3 am...

  Steak, potatoes, salad and French bread for dinner.  MrLM is off this week, so he's been cooking.  Nice to come home to cooked food.  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein
