So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Mmmmmm.....chocolate. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="[/img]   Thanks Lil Me.

    Dinner was a big fail tonight.  I had short ribs in the crock pot for hours.....until I realized that it was no turned on.     Plan B.  Steak on the Bar-B      
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



 Michel wrote:
Rice is ready, steak is cooking, I'm starving.

Did I said I saw lots of feather in the front yard, a coyote has eaten a seagull. Yesterday night, I hear them howling again.
Are you sure that those two things go together? lol. I must admit Ive never had this.. or even contemplated it. Did you do plain rice or like a mixed rice with egg and other stuff. Did you do a salad or veggie as well?

Sounds like the coyotes had a good meal as well. Tell them to keep it up and keep reducing those shit hawks.

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


 P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Mmmmmm.....chocolate. [img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="[/img]   Thanks Lil Me.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]Dinner was a big fail tonight.  I had short ribs in the crock pot for hours.....until I realized that it was no turned on.     Plan B.  Steak on the Bar-B[/div]  
We also dug into an older milk chocolate bar we had buried in the cupboard.. we discovered it when we were looking for some canned mushroom soup so we could make a garlic and muchroom sauce. I wonder if this is a case of great minds think alike.. or idiots seldom differ.

I am sorry PC.. I had a huge laugh when I saw your post so I just had to come on and say Im sorry for your predicament. I take it you are having shortribs today?
I still have to think what Im doing for dinner.. Im open to suggestions. We had burgers last night, had steaks and roast last week... turkey on the weekend. Maybe a type of chicken?

Bunch of my friends showed up last night, so we had a few drinks and told each other bs stories.

I also started my Tahoe yesterday and still heard a loud exhaust sound.. so I finally crawled underneath and my muffler was splayed open like a parisian girl.. it was rustier than I remember lol.. damn road salt. So I was looking at the pipe before and after it.. and saw it might need to be replaced as well. The pipe coming out from the engine headers was ok, the pipe to the cat was ok.. but the connection after the cat looked like if I touched it, it would make it worse. I called to the local parts place and found the parts.. then remembered a place we know that does exhaust, it would be 100 more to get them to do it instead of me. So.. yeah, I got them to do it instead of me. they didnt break the cat either.. which I might have, lol.

Im trying to decide what Im going to do today...

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


The thing that ticked me off about the crockpot, was that I'm sure it was 'OFF' when I plugged it in.  But even though I squinted really hard, I thought it said ON.....thinking it might have been unplugged from it's last use, in the 'ON' position.'s not even like I forgot to turn it ON.....I actually, physically turned IT OFF.

  Good job in paying someone to fix your muffler Russ.  I used to be determined to anything and everything I could before having to pay someone. (even a few things that I shouldn't have tried)....but now ? .....I am learning, that there are just some things worth paying someone else to do.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]The thing that ticked me off about the crockpot, was that I'm sure it was 'OFF' when I plugged it in.  But even though I squinted really hard, I thought it said ON.....thinking it might have been unplugged from it's last use, in the 'ON' position.'s not even like I forgot to turn it ON.....I actually, physically turned IT OFF. [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] Good job in paying someone to fix your muffler Russ.  I used to be determined to anything and everything I could before having to pay someone. (even a few things that I shouldn't have tried)....but now ? .....I am learning, that there are just some things worth paying someone else to do.
That Im sure makes it worse! lol.

So Im still not sure what to do.. ok. I think Ill head out to the fish store and buy some new lights and stuff. My damn crawfish are all dead. Im trying to think whether I should get another of those little buggers or not. As one ate the other and the last one up and died on me.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


You are growing your own crawfish ?  

  To eat ?  Or just because they are cute and cuddly.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]You are growing your own crawfish ?  [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]To eat ?  Or just because they are cute and cuddly.[/div]
I had them to add some diversity to my fishtank and also to help with having less crap buildup on the bottom of the tank. Crawfish are bottom feeders. They are also really neat. They climb up everything they can and chase each other and the fish in the tank. Really fun to watch.
I had two and they were getting really big.. then one suddenly disappeared but I thought he was just hiding in my pirate ship in the tank. Then about a week after not seeing him the other one had bits of his carapace in his claws as he was digesting him. I got home last week and the last one was still trucking. I got back from the island and he was upside down on the bottom of the tank not moving.

I have to go to the fishstore anyhow for new flourescent bulbs and starters. They arent working too well anymore. Still not sure if I should get a couple more.. what do you think?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I think it's totally cool.  Get some more...get some more !  I like having different stuff in an aquarium.  One of these days, I'm going to get back into it.  I miss having them.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



Good morning everyone! How's everyone today? Theres sun outside!

I got up and found my brother awake and waiting in the living room. He was waiting to take a friend to the airport.. but his friend was late.. and just arrived now. Its the same friend that stayed with us for a while when his girlfriend kicked him out. Im really starting to think he's not that bright.

Im going to attempt another run to the fish store.

Other than that..
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims




Afternoon! So I went and got the lights.. but unfortunately they were out of the crawfish, so I was told to come back on saturday. Lets see if I remember that this time, lol.

Well, Other than that I am awaiting on Miss Starfishie to arrive at home so we can head out to get the Toyota insured so I can bring it home to put it under another knife.. to remove the box and fabricate up one that I will be happier with. I hope. I dont think starfishie realizes how much this will cost, lol.

My brother has taken over the garage right now and has bits of outboard motor legs dangling from the ceiling for him to paint. Its annoying cause if you arent paying attention you walk into them and get mercury black on your head.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Just dropping in tell everyone I'm alive, been really busy, the final weeks, got a job working for the minister of propaganda, I get paid a living wage, Lise probably has seen my work already. lol  Anyway I'm busy, meetings tomorrow, paper due, meeting friday, more papers, more propaganda graffiti 24/7 you know the deal. Anyway talk to you all later, I'm busy.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

