So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Good to know about the flooding at the Hwy 1 Willingdon ramp...

  Lunch was bag of raw veggies and a rosemary and havarti wrap.  I've been eating this all week long and haven't purchased lunch!!  I'm so proud of myself. :)  



I saw a colleague sit in the lunch room eating a can of sardines for early morning snack right out of the can with a fork.  She wasn't eating over the sink (like I would at home) though.  

  Now, I'll bring my sardines to work too!  She inspired me.  



Michel wrote:
 What happened PL, why so much misery ? The Communist have took power ? lol

  Free cake for the United Way volunteers, I didn't participated, but I complain so much at work that they gave me a piece so that I could shut my mouth lol  

 LOL!  [img height=86 src="" width=100 border=0] That reminded me of the movie Shawshank Redemption where the main character writes to the Gov't to grant his jail money for the library.  He wrote many many years, and then finally got money.  When he got the money, he figured, that wasn't enough, so he wrote more frequently until he got what he wanted!




There's a co-worker of mine who hates fish. Eat fish and you get blasted. There is so much fish-ism at work! Why the hate? Perhaps purelife can come over and explain the joys of eating fish from a tin can.

  It's too wet out there. Does anyone wanna come with me to Mexico right now?

  [img height=388 src="" width=453]
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.



I've never been to Mexico but hear it's nice and warm.....hmmmm...... can you imagine? Sitting on the beach, your feet in the water, pina colada in one hand and the cabana boy fanning you? BLISS.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.




Fish in a can, yes.. I prefer slabs of fish but to each their own. Purelife doesnt eat fish in a can.. she eats SARDINES. Thats food for food. Icky. :)

Im thinking steaks, salad, garlic bread, and nugget potato s.

Whats everyone elses planes. We ended up with sushi last night at a place along kingsway.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



Russ wrote:

Fish in a can, yes.. I prefer slabs of fish but to each their own. Purelife doesnt eat fish in a can.. she eats SARDINES. Thats food for food. Icky. :)

I liked how you said that.  Blesses! LOL...

 Afternoon to you too.

 I might go to Costco this evening but I'm hoping that the Willingdon ramp isn't flooded.  Do I take the chance?  My tiny putt putt car wouldn't handle it......


