So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Six weeks is a long time with Christmas coming up;, I hope he firnds something quickly - like tomorrow, if not today..
A fool's paradise is better than none.


49er wrote:
 Sportsdude wrote:
Sorry to hear about the unemployment pl.

[FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff40"]Yeah Michel some of the under 35 are not the brightest. I know a guy who quit a job after 2 weeks just before the economy crashed because 'it was beneath him' and now of course he's unemployed. goofy

 Sportsdude wrote:
[FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff40"]I'm saying the people I know aren't the brightest. lol
Kids haven't had it tough, never have had to do that job that was 'beneath them', they've got a daddy will save
me attitude.
Bull............I know of many in their twenties holding down jobs and raising families.  

 SD, You need to find a real job and be out in the workforce and see how the rest of the world lives

      I agree. I also know a lot of people in their 20s (some are even family members), that are not trying to 'have it all' overnight too.
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


Van wrote:
purelife wrote:
It has been about 6 weeks or so of unemployment.  And because he's in the union, he can't go looking for another job outside of the union.  

 Couldn't he quit the union job, then find another? 6 weeks is hard to call I guess? Is there any word of work starting up soon for him?

Maybe it is just me, but I would't sit around waiting for the union to take care of me. 6 weeks isn't too bad though. 6 months may be another story.

  Hey Van.

  He's taking this loss really hard....I've already given him my two cents on what to do.      


 Hello Van and PC.
I agree that it seems silly that mr PL is awaiting on his union. It seems ironic that he is doing that when other unions, like the public sector unions, openly knew about their members working for private companies during their city strike.

Hopefully he finds something.. start looking. You can always go back. Im with Van on this one.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I don't think he's waiting on his union, at least I hope he's not doing that.    


purelife wrote:
Van wrote:
purelife wrote:
It has been about 6 weeks or so of unemployment.  And because he's in the union, he can't go looking for another job outside of the union.  

 Couldn't he quit the union job, then find another? 6 weeks is hard to call I guess? Is there any word of work starting up soon for him?

Maybe it is just me, but I would't sit around waiting for the union to take care of me. 6 weeks isn't too bad though. 6 months may be another story.

Hey Van.

He's taking this loss really hard....I've already given him my two cents on what to do.  There's only so much he would listen about but I know where you're heading and agree with you.    
    Its a tough call for you both. Best of luck with everything.
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


its feast or famine when working in construction, especially working in the field ....and in winter


Its a tough call for you both. Best of luck with everything.



49er wrote:
its feast or famine when working in construction, especially working in the field ....and in winter[/DIV]
 Yep.  He's a cement finisher.  His company laid him off (along with other workers) because his company wanted to pocket all the money for the project without having to pay any workers.  Winter is the worst...


purelife wrote:
  Yep.  He's a cement finisher.  His company laid him off (along with other workers) because his company wanted to pocket all the money for the project without having to pay any workers.  Winter is the worst...[/DIV]
 I don't see many old concrete finishers on jobsite, usually young.......physically, many are disabled long before retirement.  I would suggest he use the off period to prepare himself for advancement in the field


Um I'm not your average 20 something. I'm old in class because I did the 12am-7am job shift for 3yrs. I laugh at the people just out of university who refuse to take those jobs. This is what happened to my friend, now he's doing the 12-7am shift. Be careful for what you wish for. For me I get tired of a 20 year old in university telling me they know everything about life, yet they've never had to actually work.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

Y'all stop bickering now.  Please? :)
 Let's all sit and smoke one.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


For me I get tired of a 20 year old in university telling me they know everything about life, yet they've never had to actually work.

  Somebody stop me.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

here it is!!

Sportsdude wrote:
For me I get tired of a 20 year old in university telling me they know everything about life, yet they've never had to actually work.

Sounds familiar. Hmm?

 Kind of like SD trying to convince regular DS users he knows everything about life, politics, relationships, history, music, art..., but never really had any real life experiences yet.

 Pot, meet kettle, kettle, pot.



