So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Good morning Michel, P.C., Lise and everyone else.  

  So many people got laid off from work because of financial situations at the company.  On the day that MrPL got his raise, he also got laid off.  It was really weird.  It has been about 6 weeks or so of unemployment.  And because he's in the union, he can't go looking for another job outside of the union.    


Oh dear.  That doesn't sound too good purelife.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Lil Me

Sorry to hear that, purelife.
 He can't find a temporary job outside the union?  (who would know?)
 Even using the construction temp offices to go work by the day?
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


I'm sad too and it's tough especially during this time of year.

  The temps are r e a l l y slow and they don't have much too.  He'll take anything but they don't have it.  This is one of the worst years I've ever seen.  Many companies that I've heard have frozen their job hiring because of the Economy.  



Sorry to hear about the unemployment pl.

Yeah Michel some of the under 35 are not the brightest. I know a guy who quit a job after 2 weeks just before the economy crashed because 'it was beneath him' and now of course he's unemployed. goofy

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



I'm saying the people I know aren't the brightest. lol
Kids haven't had it tough, never have had to do that job that was 'beneath them', they've got a daddy will save me attitude.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Well I am over 35, and I would have to say, that some of my brightness is wearing off.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 Morning! Another day of running around.. with no news from the company.

Halloween party was great! Last people finally left at 4am. No problems that were note worthy other than one guy had his car moved by someone else cause he was too drunk to do so, then next morning when he couldnt find it, he called it in stolen. Other was someone started flirting wiht another girl when his girlfriend was there, when she gave him shit, he said what.. its not like this is the first time Ive slept with another girl while Ive been with you. So yeah.. that went over like a lead balloon for some obscure reason.
Cleanup was quick, no problems there, found three digital cameras. One has been claimed. Lots of plastic devils forks, masks, helmets, etc, so we have enough of that crap for years now.

I cleaned out the back of a truck that has been sitting in our backyard for years now, we bought it to fix the front end damage and get sidetracked with lots of other projects. I found some pretty digusting stuff.. I can tell we never cleaned out the back of the truck since we got it from the previous owner. It had some rotten bags of garbage, as well as rotten sleepiing bags and other stuff in it. Pretty gagging quality. Took a bunch of other stuff to the dump too so that was worth it.

Had HotPot last night! Starfish called me when I was at the dump and told me that she wanted hotpot. So.. raced to Crystal Mall and bought veggies and some meats. Came home and sliced up some beef and chicken I had in the freezer for the rest. 6 people for dinner.. which is why I love hotpot, more people the merrier, and its like a big conversation with dinner. We decided we were going to go as a group to Cuba in the next 4-5months.

Other than that.. Im heading out in the next little bit for some lunch and to buy a new cell phone. Again.

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Other was someone started flirting wiht another girl when his girlfriend was there, when she gave him shit, he said what.. its not like this is the first time Ive slept with another girl while Ive been with you. So yeah.. that went over like a lead balloon for some obscure reason.


  Your parties are always the best with awesome stories, Russ!


Sportsdude wrote:
Sorry to hear about the unemployment pl.

[FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff40"]Yeah Michel some of the under 35 are not the brightest. I know a guy who quit a job after 2 weeks just before the economy crashed because 'it was beneath him' and now of course he's unemployed. goofy

 Sportsdude wrote:
[FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff40"]I'm saying the people I know aren't the brightest. lol
Kids haven't had it tough, never have had to do that job that was 'beneath them', they've got a daddy will save me attitude.

Bull............I know of many in their twenties holding down jobs and raising families.  

 SD, You need to find a real job and be out in the workforce and see how the rest of the world lives



  Morning miss PL! Yeah, theres always somethign to keep the party interesting.

Sorry to hear about mr PL. Hopefully he will be able to find another.

EDIT: Good afternoon 49er
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



purelife wrote:
It has been about 6 weeks or so of unemployment.  And because he's in the union, he can't go looking for another job outside of the union.  

 Couldn't he quit the union job, then find another? 6 weeks is hard to call I guess? Is there any word of work starting up soon for him?

Maybe it is just me, but I would't sit around waiting for the union to take care of me. 6 weeks isn't too bad though. 6 months may be another story.  
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!
