So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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MisO HongrY already!

  If you don't cook a whole ham, is there another alternative, PC?  I know it won't taste as good as the uncooked ham, but what about buying the cooked ham and cutting those in chunks with the split peas?


P.C. can do that.  But it's cooking the soup with the ham bone that makes it best.  Without it, the peas have that grainy, mealy texture.

  So what I often do, after a ham dinner, I cut most of the leftover ham off the bone.....throw it (the ham bone) in the soup pot with some suateed onion and the split peas and water.....and let it simmer all day.  Put it in the fridge overnight and then in the morning, skim any fat off that has risen to the top and hardened.

  THEN add your veggies, and cubed ham....let it simmer again for several hours (or until your veggies are al dente.  Pea perfection.

  *another trick for great homemade soups, is I always throw in a handful of the dried 'soup mix'.  You can get it in some stores in the bulk department.  It only contains dried veggies.....leeks, carrots, green has no seasonings.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Morning. Yes! I retire for good from the newspaper business. I can live a normal life.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


That doesn't sound so difficult PC. I like how easy it is to make soup.  First, I'm going to try cooking a whole ham (never did that before) and then make pea soup afterwards.  I won't tell MrPL that there are peas in it....I'll do the trick that you did. :)

  Hmmm...and I know the perfect time to cook this for us... :)


Sportsdude wrote:
Morning. Yes! I retire for good from the newspaper business. I can live a normal life.

 Didn't you say that last year?


Yeah, but this time it means whenever I come back to St. Louis I don't have to throw papers. Last year was the end of full time. So this year its the end of semi-retirement to now full retirement. For example, when I come back in December, I won't have to do this job, no more papers on Christmas, New Year's Eve etc.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



um car.
can't fit thousands of papers on a bike, I have no idea where people get this idea that newspapers are done by bikes. Stop watching movies. lol 12am-7am driving 60 miles in a car. lol

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."




Spanish telenova's are hilarious. hot girl broke up with some guy who looks like christiano ronaldo only to go to the house where her friends live one problem she's sleeping with the guy. So she walks in and tells the man's gf/wife who is in neck brace that she's sleeping with him. Now she's crying. And in some other story this guy is chasing three girls and a guy through a park. lol

oh the drama

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


um car.
can't fit thousands of papers on a bike, I have no idea where people get this idea that newspapers are done by bikes. Stop watching movies. lol 12am-7am driving 60 miles in a car. lol

  It's not from watching movies, at least not for me.  Where I grew up, paper route jobs were always done by kids in the 12 to 14 age group....on their bicycles.  Except once, when I was a kid, there was this 'older guy' SIXTEEN....and I always made sure I was on the porch when the paperboy came.

   [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


When I had a paperroute, it was by foot.  I don't think I've ever seen any kids with bikes doing paperroute before. :)

  I treated myself to a 7-11 slurpee...... so chill!  YUMMEEE  It has been a LONG time since I purchased one.. I feel like a kid again.    


Do they still make the Big Gulp? Last commercial for the Big Gulp was two guys in a porsche back in the mid 90s. lol  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
