So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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 Michel wrote:  Nope the guy was just living in his imaginary militaristic world, it was Chritmas time, and he says to the barmaid when he left that [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]he was going to the Royal Canadian Legion as they had a gift for him.[/FONT] Total wacko.

P.C. wrote:  Maybe it was a new scar ?

  I meant that maybe the RCL felt he deserved to have something to go with his stories.[/DIV]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



My joke has failed.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Lil Me

Evening.  I'm finally up and about after a day spent retching and lying down.  (went to the bar last night with Mr LM)
 Spag with meat sauce is helping the tummy.
 Got a big weekend with relatives from out of town.  Celebrating grandmother's 92nd BDay, though I'll be taking it easy on the drinks.  I'm too old for this.  Harumph.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


LM, you're NEVER too old for drinks. Bwhahahahaah!

  Had a quiet dinner with my co-worker at the pub. Delicious food!!! OK, so we had pizza but it was still good. Looking forward to our next outing, it should be interesting with the rest of the gals.

  Decided to get hubby a Future Shop gift card. Yes, I know... it's not a awesome a Spider Killer 2008 but it'll have to do. I get a headache just thinking of what to buy for him.

  Darn - it's raining cats and dogs. Oh well. At least the lawn could just a bit of a drink.  
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


LM, you're NEVER too old for drinks. Bwhahahahaah!  
 Your drinking muscles are just like any other - they need to be used regularly - otherwise they atrophy.  

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


Oh, that is so true! We should have a beer drinking event at the Olympics.

  Ow. Got a crink in my neck from watching The Dark Knight. Too many ppl at the theatre and we had to sit at the very front. Good film tho. Heath Ledger was absolutely brilliant as the Joker and Christian Bale is........ pure chi.

  Sushi for lunch. I'm so stuffed I'm not even going to look at dinner.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.

Lil Me

Morning everyone.

Entering Day 2 of eating and drinking with relatives from out of town.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Morning Lil Me!

Feeling a little perkier this morning.

  Strange.I cant put in apostrophes or question marks. I get  è and É.

WTH,has Michel taken over my keyboard É
The early bird may get the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese.



? '

Keyboard's back to normal.

  Check out this world clock. Very cool to see what is going on in the different categories when you click the now tab.

  [A href=""][/A]  
The early bird may get the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese.


back from the Tour de Missouri.
Whoever said that southwestern Missouri is the most beautiful part of the state is lying, it feels like you're going down I-75 in Georgia, which isn't pretty.
Springfield has a chinese place on every corner, it also has a church on every corner as well. One street had 3 churches in a row next to each other. Rained all weekend until today.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

