So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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 We're leaving in an hour. Going to see a state university down there, I almost went to it. Branson is down the road a bit, I want to go to Oklahoma too, maybe Tulsa. Then on Sunday we want to go to Mizzou for a bit. So we'll be criss crossing the state.
[a href=""][/a]

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Michel wrote:  Don't forget to think about Winged Migraton too, way superior to the Penguin march if you ask me, as there's way much more diversity in it.

  Oooo...looks like something I could add to gifts for Mr PL.  Maybe I'll get that for our 5 years of being together anniversary. :)  



 I like those Wild America TV series. Wish the guy who produced them would come out with a series dvd. Plus the memorable theme song.

   ADD: theme song:
[a href=""][/a]

Everybody in America who ever watched PBS knows this song. lol Brings back memories.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



Well I'm old, but occasionally its replayed on the educational blocks here on the 3 letter networks.
Yeah it's old but it's still very good. Makes me cry though, it was all done when places like Colorado were still 'wild'. America's too crowded, ruined, unless you go to Alaska.

Does Canada have a Canadian centric television show? I've always liked nature shows, but every freaking National Geographic show is about Africa or South America. I don't live there, I want to know what's in my neck of the woods.

So what are the Canadian shows like that?
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I'll look out for it Michel.  Looks fantastic.

  SD wrote: So what are the Canadian shows like that?

Animal Planet




 Sorry, Steve Irwin and those types aren't my idea of nature shows. Animal Planet is for entertainment. Right now Animal Cops is on Animal Planet. eyeye

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



I think that's why Wild America is still played on a regular basis, nothing down here as topped it or come close to it. I remember watching this in the 80s and up to around '00 the show was played on a weekly basis on tv (during the normal hours of a day). Pretty good for a show made in 1982. lol

MSNBC used to have National Geographic programs on during the weekend. It was all about Africa though. Which is cool, but more people will watch something about North America, they can't relate to Africa. Although you're right Michel, now that I think about it, those shows were just 'pretty' like oh look at us and our awesome movie in HD. lol
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."




Sportsdude wrote:  I remember watching this in the 80s

  You must have really good memory if you remember watching the shows when you're under 3 years old.



 Another reason why I said America isn't wild anymore. lol
Idiot tourists have taken over. Most of the Colorado footage from Wild America is from Rocky Mountain National Park. That park next to the Great Smokey Mountains (where they're building coal plants now) in Tennessee is the most polluted park in the country. Too many people go there and it borders a growing regional area of people living next to it in the Fort Collins area. Has some of the worst air.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
