Sportsdude wrote:
I will. I'll have a reading weekend (from all day friday til all day sunday) lol. Never had a mid term either or exam. Community college doesn't count lol.
Each day will be a certain subject reading day.
sociology- sunday
I'm doing fine except for the readings. Its a bit daunting.
Believe me, that does not work. All day readings overload the brain and you will not remember anything on Monday. You need to schedule your readings like you would an appointment. Each and every day, weekends included, spend one hour reading the required textbook(s)/reading(s) for each subject you have. If you have 3 classes, then that's 3 hours every day. Borefest or not, be sure to highlight points and write comments on the margins. Also, see if you can find old exams from those classes. The student centre usually has copies of previous exams so you can see what kind of questions are asked and focus on those parts.
You're already doing the right thing by not drinking or partying too much. School is a job, a thankless job you do not get paid for, and a motivating factor could be if you don't get at least 85% in each of your classes you can kiss graduate school good-bye, plus if you flunk out it is back to Missouri.