So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Hiya everyone, if there is anyone here.

It's ok Lise... I haven't been able to catch the flu for years now.  I think that I'm immuned.   Plus, it's not often that I get a cute kiss from a babee. :))))   I feel bad for making her cry... :((((

DS was down for me too, for a long time.  *sigh*

Oh, SD, get some ear plugs.  They work!  

Lil Me

Hope SD has a good trip to Timmy Ho's.  Gotta love the "steeped tea" and the flavoured coffees (English Toffee!).
 And the Maple donut!
 Went to Barnston Island this morning.  Great bike ride or walk- hardly any cars there.  Got to the east end of 176st and catch the free ferry.
 Ate some microwaved leftovers.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


We went to the Pancake Breakfast today at the Burnaby Library. OMGTEHCUTENESS of the fire fighters serving pancakes. Soooooo cute.... tall, strong, MANLY.... *sigh* You can tell I drooled on my pancakes.

  Was lovely to see the kids have so much fun. Lise Jr. is already asking if we can head there again. Maybe next year, kiddo.

  No nap. I can't sleep in the afternoon or else I won't be able to sleep tonight. Lunch was at Fish on Rice. I don't know why we bother going there because I'm making california and veggie rolls tonight. Ah well.

  Glad you hear you had a nice bike ride, Lil Me. I should really buy a bicycle so we can all go for a bike ride together.

  I love Tim Horton's steeped tea. SO GOOD!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.

Lil Me

Pancake breakfast sounded fun!
 Back from T&T.  Got some marinated sardines on sale at $0.79 per can.  Gonna try some black bean sardines and spicy sardines.
 Tonight's dinner is soup with BBQ duck (from freezer), tofu, greens, carrots, mushrooms, bean sprouts.  Brown rice and clear vermicelli  as well.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


   hey! back from my Tim Horton's and Zellers. I had a chicken salad wrap. I keep forgetting about the small portions. Weird my roomate had a combo and it came with a doughnut. lol
Like it though.
Now I know where all the restaurants are in downtown. Should come in handy in the future knowing all the places. This town is going to change a lot, when I'm finished with school here. The downtown is in transition. Lots of development.

Went to Zellers. I've characterized it as a place that is not a wal mart (yet it has cheaper prices) but its not Target-ish enough to be a Target.

Then went to my russian roommates old house, a ukrainian family. I need to learn another language. No fun just knowing english.

Now there's a toga party next dorm buildingover. Not going, I've got reading to do.  lol  Didn't go last night  'clubbing'  because I was too tired.  Must be getting old.  

Oh and I woke up today to the smell of curry. Somebody next door was cooking it. You can hear and now smell everything. lol
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I told you Zellars was nowhere NEAR the size of Walmart. I've been to Target in Sydney too. Meh. It's nothing special.

  SD, what's the update with the cute Japanese chick? Any progress?

  Lil Me. Your dinner sounds so healthy and delicious. I gotta get back into the groove of brown rice one of the days.... it's healthier and our dietician keeps reminding us that it's good for diabetes. I just can't stand the taste.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Uhm stalled I think.
She was with a bunch of ESL Japanese girls, I ran into her in the cafeteria. she was constantly pointing at me saying something in Japanese. Then I met up with the group. Giggles ensued. I got in how was school. She said it was her first day. She couldn't look at me always had her head down. Then more giggles from the gallery. I said see ya around. Then she kept looking at me at the lunch line.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


  Firefighters serving pancakes?  Tall and manly?  OMG, I would've woken up at 6am to be the first one there.   Glad that you enjoyed that eye candy, Lise.  And, it was great weather for a bike ride, too LM.  I bet you had a wonderful time. :)))

I brought a loooooooong black wool coat that I've wanted for so long.  It's kinda weird trying coats when it was sunny out there, but for the price I paid for, it was worth it.  :)))  I can't wait to look like wampire's wife.  kee hee... We had Costco food for late lunch.

I've never tried Timmy Ho's steeped tea.  I'll keep that in mind.  I like their  half hot cocoa with half decaf.  Yea, Zellers is nothing compared to Walmart and Target.  Zellers is too expensive. even with their sales.

Gonna head over to Grandma's while my guy heads out to meet some old h.s. friends at teh pub.    She's gonna teach me how to make lemon meringue pie, cookies and chicken alenorma(sp?).  I can't wait!  droolzzzzzz.....


well I'm going to the Toga party. Everyone is, even my roommate who never leaves his room is going. So I must go, obviously.

Next week end I'll be in Vancouver I think. Gonna rent a bike and ride around Stanley Park or do something fun. Eh, I'd be more interested in just going back and forth on the sky train. lol

anyway I've got to eat.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


have fun cooking german stuff pl.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


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lol michel.
i had a chicken salad wrap.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



yeah I liked it a lot. Still trying to get used to the small portion sizes here in the land of the freer. No wonder back home everyone is fat.

My indian friends keep giving me indian food. yum! Apparently they get all these brands at Superstore. Got to go there and get my indian food. love it.

Found where all the cheap restuarants are. 4 bucks for a meal lol. Cafeteria its like 12.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

