Simpsons Quote-a-thon!

Started by Future Canadian, Apr 11 06 07:53

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Ralph tarring Homer's roof to prove he likes Lisa, as Homer lounges in hammock...

  Ralph Wiggum: Mr. Simpson, these tar fumes are making me dizzy...

Homer (under breathe): Yeah..they will do that....


Everytime I read one of the sayings I start to I love that show...Otto I had mustard....


Homer:What do I think of this pie,!? what do I think of this pie!? *walks off singing*

Bart: Should we follow him.?

Marge: I'm on vacation  


Homer...can you open the window the police have daddys fingerprints on file....


Homer: Remember when daddy hit the referee with the beer bottle..remember?

Lisa: *sniffle*..yeah...


Homer: Oh I'm crazy.............Crazy like a FOX!


Homer: Oh yeah, You want me come and get me.!

Mo: Get him! " Mormons run after him"

Homer- D'oh  "runs to a limo and throw a dead body out of the drivers seat, looks in the back*  Ah! A Coffin.

  Homer in the house with his family, and theres a knock at the door.

Homer: That better not be the Mormons.


oh man I am laughing now...everyone in the office keeps looking at me...I love this...  


ohhhh the land of chhhhooooolet....


Homer gets off the phone with lisa. Sitting with Lenny and Carl.

Carl points to his hat: So, ah aren't you guys gonna ask me about the hat.?

Homer and Lenny: Hey, where did you get that hat.?

Carl looks surprised: What, this old thing.? I got it at the  museum.

Homer:  Lisa's gone  there. *laughs* She wanted to take a taxi But I made her take the bus.

Lenny: Homer, you sent your little girl on the bus all by herself.?

Homer: No, But you don't know Lisa. She's so smart they hooked her up to a computer to see if she could teach it some thing, and it exploaded!

Carl: That ah, didn;t acually happen, did it.?

Homer: Yes...... But now I have to leave for some totally unrelated reason.*gets up and runs off* Lisa!  


 [FONT color=#c00000]Moe is taking a lie detector test[/FONT]

 [FONT color=#c00000][/FONT]
Eddie: Did you hold a grudge against Montgomery Burns?
Moe: No! [buzz] All right, maybe I did. But I didn't shoot him. [ding]
Eddie: Checks out. OK, sir, you're free to go.
Moe: Good, 'cause I got a hot date tonight. [buzz] _A_ date. [buzz] Dinner with friends. [buzz] Dinner alone. [buzz] Watching TV alone. [buzz] All right! I'm going to sit at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret catalog. [buzz] Sears catalog. [ding] Now would you unhook this already, please? I don't deserve this kind of shabby treatment! [buzz]

"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."


Ohhhh my heart stopped...oh there it goes (Barnie) hahahah


Marge: It took the kids all day to find Canada on a map.

Homer: Well can you blame them? With Canada tucked away all down there..  


Bart..a large North American Ape


Homer...Me so hungeyyyy
