I do a 'cheese ball' every year....basic recipe, cheap, delicious.....but to make it Wow, I divide the mixture into two....and shape them into oval-ish shapes, (a little more pointed on one end of each oval) Place them with the tops of them closer than the bottom....(like an upside down V...with the pointier ends being wider apart) Then I start at the pointy ends, and lay on almonds (again, pointy end pointing down, but not stuck into the cheese ball). Keep laying them on, staggering each row as you go. When you are done, you should have what looks like two pine cones. I cover the stems of a few sprigs of evergreen with a little tin foil, and stick them in the top. It looks amazing, and everyone is always wowed.
(I have a feeling this explanation did not come off too well.....LOL)