The "I have nothing Interesting to Say" Thread

Started by Lise, Feb 06 07 02:40

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You're a BCer now Michel! Next step, call Montreal or Ottawa in Feb while working in your garden or working on your patio plants. ;) When I go home the line "take me back to the tropics" is usually said a few times.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]  Good morning.  Sort of.  I think I got about an hour and a half sleep last night.  What the.....?

  My letter thing is ok, [FONT size=4]Michel.[/FONT]    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I slept from 10 til 5.

Will keep pestering them Michel apparently its what we are suppose to do as citizens of British Columbia. Like yesterday, called home while on the beach. haha

Gotta bring actual evidence to my aunt though that it is indeed warmer in a more northerner region of this continent than a more southern one. She was convinced Vancouver couldn't possibly be warmer than Southern Illinois because it was farther north. lol

Only people I have on my side in this cold winter phenomenon are family in Oregon. Problem is my family isn't very migratory in terms of getting out much, so when a couple of us live in this 'nirvana were it doesn't get too cold or too hot' the people we leave behind don't believe us and think we're boasting. lol

I need to find my palm tree pics, that'll really confuse them. haha
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I found out that it was the timing belt.  Total cost is gonna be $835 including tax, labour and fuel pump and antifreeze.  My wallet is crying.


 purelife wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I found out that it was the timing belt.  Total cost is gonna be $835 including tax, labour and fuel pump and antifreeze.  My wallet is crying.[/div]
Really? How many km's on your car.. what is it? Neon? Why the fuel pump if its a timing belt? Why antifreeze? Ask them if they can drain it into a drain bucket and put it back in.. doesnt make sence if they drain it and put it back in. Is it somewhere you normally go? Could you buy the parts then have them put them in? If you can I get get you a deal on the parts.

Sorry to hear this PL.. Usually timing belts are changed every 100-120 thou km's. I wonder if yours wasnt.. did you hear anything about timing belt or any other maintenance when you bought the car? Did you get a mechanic to check it over?

I had something similar happen to me PL.. so dont feel bad about it. Consider yourself LUCKY that you have a non-interference engine.. that means that the pistons and valves dont overlap in a cycle.. and when the timing belt broke the valves didnt kiss the pistons.
I now always check online now for major engine maintenance and checks for vehicles online before going to ask questions.. then ask about timing belt, brakes, tranny services, etc.


Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


 [span style="font-family: Arial;"]  


Ooops, I meant the water pump.

  I have a feeling that I've got the original timing belt in the car.  I'm close to 170 mileage on my 97 neon.

  Once I can afford a newer car, I'm getting one.

  You're right totally depends on luck.  

  The part wasn't that bad. (he gave me a $20 off)  It's the labour that is the bulk of the cost.

  *sigh*....these are costs that one has to go through when you own a vehicle.


Same thing happened to me last year PL, I wouldn't have made it up the Cascades if I didn't get it fixed.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


  I had a very enjoyable lunch today a great salad and i picked up a salad to go for my supper. since lil_me for some odd reason picked up the tab on th first of my salads thus allowing me to spoil myself and not have to make my own...

the company was so nice, i had the pleasure to meet lil_me and the other half today. i am not sure exactly how much details, i can go in to about them, but i was honored to meet them both and the lunch was great. for some crazy reason i have fallen in love with eating vegetables an fruits and to think i once relegated these items to a side dish and one best ignored

now fruits and vegtables are the primary food source and all else is secondary..
 we talked of many things including the dv party way back when. the meeting of purelife in real life... from lil_me & partner i recieved 6 gifts. these 2 must of unplugged the wallet and gone overboard they were so big and bulky:D sorry just joking i know you didn't spend allot on big ugly me...

 i do love the gifts and I just want to say Thank You both, thank you ever so much for this sweet kindness.... I amfeeling like such a foolish child right now. I am all giddy and excited, some one, who can, hardly, wait, untill december 25 to open them. i have made some guesses as to whats under this, maganda (< means beautiful) gift wrapping to see my guesses

you can go to the thread                                                    [a href="index.php/topic,5857.0.html"]Opening Christmas Presents[/a] see page 3 for my random but my correct guesses ( at least i think using my basic reasoning skills i have guessed correctly on 3 of the 6 items)  but that doesn't mean to say i am not wrong i have been wrong on many occasions before and maybe i am wrong once more on this. but we chall all have to wait till december 25 to know for sure whats here

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


The world needs more Lil Me's and MrLM's.  Bless their beautiful heart and soul.    


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
