P.C. wrote:
MM, I think the problem you're having, is that you make comments in a manner that is almost antagonistic. Then you procede to disect the responses, over-analyze them and criticize the poster that made them. A 'mature conversation' involves the understanding that not everyone shares your point of view, but can enjoy talking about it none-the-less.
P.C.... - aptly chosen nick - that's not the problem I'm having. That's the problem YOU are having. Do you see the nuance ? I'll admit that I often respond in a rather straightforward way, but never do I actually insult anyone, which can't be said of some of those who don't like my replies. Did you notice that, P.C. ?
And I sincerely would like some of you people who think they are justified in complaining about my replies to, for once, look at their own ways of responding. Maybe they will discover that there is some subject for improvement as well.
And lastly... it's not about someone not sharing my point of view at all... if you thought that, you are way, way off. It's all about the intentions behind what someone is saying.
And P.C. really couldn't help him/herself, and wrote:
Try not getting so pissy when everybody doesn't agree with you.....you might enjoy yourself a little bit more. Just a friendly bit of advice.
Some bad perception on your part... but BAD !
When I get pissy, that's when people get nasty just for the heck of it, particularly if someone joins in and thinks he/she will have a bit of fun by pummelling me around, so to speak.
Do you know what YOUR problem is, P.C. ?
It's the fact that you expect from me (or anyone else for that matter) to think you're friendly - when you're absolutely not. Just displaying the usual overbearing attitude, most commonly shared in these parts with a number of like-minded people.
Now - maybe I can go back to posting about things I want to actualy post about...