(thought I'd take this out of the person below me thread)
Russ, are you using a deep fryer?
If you are, chances are it's not getting hot enough. We have had 2, and niether got hot enough. The temperature setting SAYS it's hot enough, but it's not.
If your food takes too long to cook, it's greasy.
You should use either peanut oil or canola or veg oil. Anything else has too low of a smoking point.
Your food should be dry and at room temperature before putting in oil.
Don't over-crowd your pot. Takes the temperature down too low, too long.
If you don't have an oil thermometer, cut a 1"cube of bread and throw it in. It should bubble and brown within 30 to 45 seconds.
How'my doin. Did I answer ANY of the questions you had....lol