So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Hey, here's what you should know - Mahony and Sons Pub at UBC serves the best pizzas in the world. The chicken/spinach pizza is to die for!!!

  Yaaay! Survived assisting. Thank goodness it wasn't a hard day. I thought I would taking radiographs by the dozen - turns out they're all denture cases.

  Which reminds me, if anyone wants to get dentures (they have to have NO TEETH WHATSOEVER) I can get them in. Two full dentures which usually cost around $1,000 plus in private practise will set you back less than half price. So we're talking about $550 or so for both of them. Dead cheap so if you know anyone who needs dentures, PM me.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Good job Miss Lise (I never had any doubt you would do well)

  I suppose I missed Lil Me.....I'll yell so she can hear me.....HAVE A GREAT TIME !!!! (and happy crafting )

   And good job on you too Van.  Happy clients are a good thing.

  I have spent the last couple days helping my neighbours get their house ready for listing  (LOTS of work there)

Other than that, I feel generally fudgidy.  What the H ?[/DIV]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Ah shucks, thanks!! Thanks for the support that you guys have been giving. It's great!!

  Uhm.... where is Lil Me going?
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I think it's scout camping weekend.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


   Flood watch 2008
River crest at the farm keeps a movin up start of this week it was suppose to crest around 36 ft.  Now its at 40.8ft
The record is 49.7ft of a 50ft levee which was the massive flood of '93.

This levee is weak (its been poorly managed, the managers were convicted of fraud, never did the repairs or strengthened it and now are in prison), this thing will go in my opinion if the river gets anywhere near 45-47ft. The levee on the poor black side of river has been decertified (as has the farm) by the Corps. Hello New Orleans for these guys:

^ East St. Louis in more 'prosperous' times. Nowadays:

I remember  '93.  The water was right up  to the road on the top of the levee and water started seeping through.

[img style="width: 597px; height: 556px;" src="[/img]



I was there! I was there! lol The water went to the top of the steps. crazy

woot. Lets take a scenic cruise!

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Holy mackeral.....what a dreadful situation !!!!

    [img style="WIDTH: 238px; HEIGHT: 158px" height=256 src="" width=417]

  I KNOW this is no laughing matter, but there is almost something slightly comedic about that picture.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Lol P.C.
We've got a lot of flood pics and videos from '93 and to be honest, it's like being at a funeral of a loved one when find all the funny moments hysterical and you start laughing. Like that picture. You've got to find laughter in everything or you're not going to survive major life events. When I die, if people aren't laughing about how funny I was/goofy I'm going to get out of the casket and tell everybody to straighten up and start telling SD stories. lol

Only way to cope.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Went to the new Costco by Willingdon today. Awesome!! The place is mega huge. I only got in cause my friend gave me a gift certificate. I'm gonna ask her to buy me more so I can get in. Not worth buying the membership as we don't see the need to go there all the time. Lunch there was interesting. Can't believe I paid $2 for a hot dog and coke. My kids went nuts.

  Getting ready for Father's Day. We're having BBQ - weather report promised sunshine all day! Yaahoo!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.

Lil Me

Heeeeeey!  I'm home.  Cider in hand now, shower in a few minutes.
 Had a fabulous weekend on the Sunshine Coast.  It actually was rain at all.  Fun times- our group's year end Scout camp has all sections there, from little kids to teenagers.
 No major mishaps, didn't lose anyone to the bears.
 Had a bit of difficulty getting there on Fri- two of the vehicles (including mine) couldn't get reservations on the ferry, so we grabbed the youth and ran on board as foot passengers, leaving the drivers in the vehicles to go over on the late ferry.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


I'm glad you got some sunshine on the Sunshine Coast.  It just wouldn't be right otherwise.  This weekend has been beautiful...(today is not only's actually nice and hot's about time)

  So is everyone on your Christmas list getting a SpongeBob ?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I don't know how you do it, Lil Me.... being surrounded by tweens. The very thought is enough to drive me bonkers.  
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


    Oooh, the Sunshine Coast, hope to visit that area now this year.

Sis got a new dog its a puggle. Named the dog Rolfie (Roll-fee) (Anglicized: Ralphie) after Opa's German Shepard he had to leave behind in Austria when he came to America.

Doesn't mid cats, super quiet, 5 months old, Tigger not amused.


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

Cute doggie.
 Everyone on my Xmas list will be getting a crab friendship pin..
 [a href=""][/a]
 Never got around to doing this with the youth, so I have a surplus of supplies...
 As for how I do this...well, I just do... It's fun most of the time, and the rewards are pretty surprising and amazing sometimes.
 The downside: waking up at 4:30am Saturday because some Cubs were up and running around because it was daylight.  Sent them back to bed, but I couldn't sleep, so I was awake and dressed by 6am and breakfast wasn't 'til 8:30...
 Sunday morning one of my Beavers stumbled outside and couldn't find the bathroom at 1:30am...poor kid crying in the dark because she was lost, confused and had wet herself.
 The strange and yukky: one of the youth has an apparent incontinence problem of the uh, poopy variety.  For most of the weekend, the leaders were thinking that someone stepped in something, before realizing that we were looking for a SOMEONE, not a shoe.  This particular child had a parent in tow, so he was taken care of, I guess....I stayed out of the situation...and far away....
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


^Wow Lil Me! That sounds adventurous and exhausting!

I am tired today. Late night with a few friends, beers, music, (couple more beers).

  Met a sweet lady last night. Super nice, but not really into much other than let's see, going to the pub, watching TV, work...watching TV. Nice to hang out with for an evening, but found out quickly that she is not my type. Conversation was limited so there is no second date (or even a first date, I don't think last night counted...??). Ah well....NEXT!

  Just got back from my sister's. She made a turkey dinner. She had a turkey in her freezer she needed to cook, and wanted to do it before (if ever) the summer heat sets in. Fantastic supper!

  Long story short, I am tired, happy, and full of turkey. Excellent weekend.  
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


Evening all

Aww that sucks Van, yeah I don't see you as a tv watcher on the weekends. bummer

Worked out for the 4th time this weekend trying to stay not bored.
Ran into an old football teammate, hadn't seen him in 6 years. He went division I after school, tried out for the NFL but got injured so he is going to try again this year. He probably wishes he was my height, he'd be a lock for some team on at least the practic squad. (corner backs, safety's are a dime a dozen, not so lineman/tight ends/defensive ends, defensive tackles, giant line backers). Oh what could of been...
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
