I see that you've good intention but if you do that, make sure it's a totally remote place where nobody goes cos the bear will think it's a food place from now on and they will go there regularly. Actually, it's probably a really bad idea cos you'll acostumed them to human food.
Rest assured that they'll be able to manage to find food, you don't live in a desert.
It is remote. And I've given some thought to the danger involved in the possibility of making them become accustomed to human food. But I distinguish 'human food' as food they find in 'human inhabited' places. Otherwise....do they know the difference? I mean, the only thing that drives them into these areas, is that they're not finding food in their own world. *cry*
I don't know if it's a good idea.....I just know I feel so bad for them. [/DIV]