So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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I believe its that way because its a territory. I may be wrong, also I read somewhere that the whole terroritories had battles about what to be french or english that they just decided on both.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


is that above or below the mandrin? ;)

Same could be said though in Quebec with its view of the english language.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Well what's really weird that people have been fined for posting English signs in Quebec. Kind of a double standard.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Fine for unilingual English signs in Québec are just a backlash. The Parti Québécois imposed a law that forced people in Québec (of both lnguages by the way) to act as the rest of the country, which means ignoring the language of the minority...  

Another way to exacerbing more one culture against the other...


There is only a 1.4 % french speaking population in B.C

Funny, they must all be downtown, I hear French everyday. I read somewhere there are 60 000 natives french speakers in BC, and 300 000 BCers considered themselves bilingual French and English.



Aside from the MAKES ME CRAZY that I need to get out a high powered microscope to read the instructions on everything.

Cost is nothing when you think about the market you get access too. If you go to Europe, you'll see 4 languages on any product most of the time (English, French German and the one from the country you're in. It's quite common now with globalisation to have more than one language on any product.


  Rue St. Catherines Street says it all thanks to bill 101.
talk about confusing.
The tongue police job is hysterical. Going around saying this place isn't french enough. Even France isn't this tough on the french language because nobody in Europe went up in arms when the EU mandated that all road signs be in english. Because the non english speaking countries know that the Swedes will still speak Swedish, the French, French and Germans, German.

I've heard the arguement that well if bill 101 wasn't in place then nobody would be speaking french anymore. Not true. One of the reason's I love Canada is that its a mosaic and not a melting pot. I think its awesome that mandrin is everywhere in Vancouver and French back east. Then again I'm all about culture.

Saying that Quebec will cease to not be french is crazy. Look at Louisiana. The acadian population still speaks french at home. When Katrina happened one of the tv stations was interviewing a guy from the bayou named Pierre.
If the small Acadian population can still keep its language and culture going in a country that's anti anything that isn't english (german midwest countryside disappeared after world war I) then Quebec in a culture friendly country can keep its culture alive.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 Michel wrote:
There is only a 1.4 % french speaking population in B.C

Funny, they must all be downtown, I hear French everyday. I read somewhere there are 60 000 natives french speakers in BC, and 300 000 BCers considered themselves bilingual French and English.

owe the bilinguals to the great french immersion schools.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Good morning SD, PC and Michel.

  mmmm......munching on some homemade brownies...


Well, politics aside....and no disrespect intended....I find it to be extremely frustrating.  

    [FONT face=Arial]The French language
The population of British Columbia is linguistically very homogeneous. Of the 3,689,755 inhabitants of the province, fewer than 900,000 have a mother tongue other than English. Francophones account for 1.5 percent of the total population, while 823,603 British Columbians have a non-official mother tongue.  [/FONT]

  [FONT face=Arial color=#666699]French Mother Tongue Population[/FONT]: [FONT face=Arial]63 625[/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial color=#666699]English Mother Tongue Population[/FONT]:[FONT face=Arial] 2 865 300[/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial color=#666699]Population with a knowledge of both official languages[/FONT]: [FONT face=Arial]269 363[/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial color=#666699]Other Mother Tongue Population[/FONT]: [FONT face=Arial]939 945[/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial color=#666699]Total Population[/FONT]: [FONT face=Arial]3 868 875[/FONT]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Mmmm....good morning purelife.  Sharesies ? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


alwayz pc. and this one isn't too sweet... a coworker made some last night and brought it in for another coworker whose last day is today. :(((((


Oooo....'last day of work brownies'.....are you sure there aren't some....umm....'interesting' ingredients in them? Last Day of Work Brownies are usually the best. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


some extra sugar I bet.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


sure is PC... i'm going to miss him... and all the good laughs we always have.  i love bugging him.  

  I hear ya moving into the condo, eh SD?!  How'd you get that?  

  wow, time sure flies by quickly... you've got 2 more weeks.

  i just saw on tele last night that uni enrollments have dropped.
