So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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those programs are mostly graduate programs. The Planning school at UBC says right on their main page: [font color="#000066" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]The School                accepts students from a wide variety of disciplines ranging from                planning, geography, and forestry, to business, political science,                and economics. Students come from all provinces and territories                in Canada and from many foreign countries. In recent years students                have come from Canada, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy,                Japan, Nigeria, Ghana, the Peoples' Republic of China, Saudi Arabia,                Switzerland, Thailand, and the United States.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I can't sign up for those associations you need a degree.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
I can't sign up for those associations you need a degree.  
  No you do not.  They are called student associations for that very reason, students without degrees.  

  Btw, the accreditation list has about half-half undergraduate and graduate programs:

  Dalhousie University
Bachelor of Community Design (Honours, Environmental Planning)
Bachelor of Community Design (Honours, Urban Design Studies)

  University of Northern BC
BSc Environmental Studies (Planning)

  Nova Scotia College of Art & Design
Bachelor of Design in Environmental Planning

  University of Montreal
BSc Town Planning

  University of Quebec (Montreal)
BS Town Planning

  Ryerson University
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning

  University of Saskatchewan
B.A. in Regional and Urban Development (Planning option)

  University of Toronto
Diploma in Town and Regional Planning

  University of Waterloo
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Planning)

  University of Windsor
Honours Bachelor of Arts (Planning)  


well I'm not going to those places so no I can't sign up.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Wow, wyk....excellent advice and research you have there.  


 wow they still haven't found a replacement for the New Westminster job. That's crazy. That post has been up for almost a year.

that's for the links. I've read them before. But thanks! :)
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
well I'm not going to those places so no I can't sign up.  
   What does not going to those places have to do with becoming a student member of those urban planning associations?  

  Here's the application forms for students.  Do consider signing up.  If you are not convinced, then at least when you arrive at MC, during the first week talk to your instructors about the benefits of student membership in such associations.  I bet they will even be passing around application forms, and wouldn't it be cool if you could say I am already a member?

  [A href=""][/A]

 [A href=""][/A]

 [A href=""][/A]

 I didn't get this far without learning a few things along the way SD.  *wink wink*



oh wow. I'll talk to the department head about this.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


See, I knew that DS is good for something. ;)


Sportsdude wrote:
oh wow. I'll talk to the department head about this.  
  Just to clarify, you are from Missouri, right?  Even if you go to school in another country you should be able to get student membership to the American one coz you can use your parents' address as the contact information.

  Anyhoo, good luck again!    


yup from the show me state and the land of lincoln (spend my time in both I consider myself from both states)

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Awfully nice of you, wyk. If you register here, you woulda earned a bless point from yours truly.

  I missed Spam. It's been a long, long time since I last had Spam. My mom would always cut it up into thin slices and fried them or cut them into cubes and make it with fried rice. I've tried immitation Spam but it ain't the same.

  Lunch at the Crystal Mall. My favorite, Char Koay Teow. I'm too lazy to make lunch. Thank goodness for fast food outlet. I can't imagine making fast food for ppl all day. Must be insanely hot in the kitchen and dishing out food for ppl.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Afternoon Lise. n' sweaty behind the counter.  

  What's that Lise?  (the lunch your ordered)    


Char Koay Teow from the Curry Shop. Or at least that what I think the shop's called. It's the shop that famous for its Hainan Chicken Rice. Really good stuff.

  Hmm.... lemme see. I've got the recipe here somewhere on my website. I usually make this dish when I'm in the mood. They make it way better though.

  [A href=""][/A]

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


mmmm looks good lise

over here its blt's.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
