So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Actually, dinner wasn't.  I couldn't think of anything I wanted, so I had a few tortilla chips with salsa.  I'm always beat at the end of my work week, and don't feel like cooking.

 Chicken breasts sound good, but oatmeal.......pass!  I used to hate it when I was a kid, and never got around to changing my mind.


Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Yep, those are the nights when it's nice to just kick off those shoes and relax your feet while reading a good book or channel surfing.  :)



You got me thinking, Lil Me, and I think I know what you mean.  These kids, no matter what age, have been the total focus of their parents' lives for so long, that they expect everyone to feel the same way about them, and they get angry if other people don't cater to their children the smae way.  They also crave attention for themselves because of their difficulties in raising such a child.  Make sense to you?  
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


 Oh I see purelife :)
Its probably stress talking though coming from them.

I was falling asleep while working this morning I almost ran off a cliff on this one road so I stopped and took a nap for an hour. Going back to work on the first night is always the toughest.

Going to get a summer pass to the pool tomorrow, so I can swim everyday.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Yes. Yes.  I know exactly what you mean, Kitten. :)  It's almost like elderly people and how they at times are just plain rude because of the excuse of "oh, I'm older than you!"  There was this one elderly women who was so rude to me on the bus when she demanded that I get off my a** off the seat and give it to her.  I didn't even see her coming in front of me, I was actually reading at that time but she just had to demand it.  She should've just asked politely and I would've gladly offered my seat because I do that ALL the time when I see someone in need.  But because she was "old," she used that excuse.  I don't respect those who do that.  I said something to her and she just gave me a glare and mumbled something about how young people are rude.  WTF?!


I've seen that so many times.  It would be so easy for them just to ask to sit because they have trouble standing, but on the other hand I've seen kids who have been sitting in classrooms all day taking up the handicapped seats and refusing to budge for the elderly.  Rude seems a lot more common now than it used to be.  I'm not saying that because I'm getting older, it's just that it is the way we were raised.  Old people can be very rude at times, and I don't understand why they would behave like that.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


I agree with people, in general, are getting more and more rude and less courteous, especially in Vancouver.  I was talking to a friend of mine who was pregnant and she had to take skytrain for 8 months or so.  She said that people rarely offered her a seat on the train.  That is extremely ridiculous.  Oh well, at least there are still people out there who are polite and courteous. :))


 its entitlement. Kids think they deserve the right to everything. Hence the 'me' generation. We've ridden the coat tales of our parents success who have then spoiled us because they want us to have things they didn't have growing up.
That's pretty common among people my age and younger. Either that or they just don't care because they live in their own little world where they are the centre of attention where they come first. That's where the rudeness in my generation comes from anyway.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Its like that everywhere purelife not just in Vancouver. Elderly man gets mugged and in front of a group of teens and the teens just stand their and do nothing while this man almost gets killed. Happened a couple weeks ago made national news here.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I think all of the above scenarios are true.  But on a different vein, I think women have been their own worst enemies in SOME cases.  'We' fought for equality, and along with it, came the death of chivalry.....and in turn that swept with it, fathers teaching their sons a different way.  Guys are in a bit of a quandary....and justly to whether they are being sexist in offering their seats or offering assistance in changing a flat tire, because 'we' have lumped courtesy and chivalry into one meaning.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


This is very true, but when it comes to a person who is having obvious difficulty such as a pregnant woman, an elderly person or one that is disabled, chivalry should still be important.  I'm not referring to just men, but to anyone that is more able to cope with mobility.  I often offered my bus seat to someone that was having difficulty standing, and thought it was a natural thing to do.  I've held doors, helped people across the street, anything that would make things a little easier for them.  Courtesy should never die.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


maybe so but if I offer a seat to a lady who looks like she needs it more or just keep the door open at a the mall when I see a family behind me or saying thank you to the bus driver or taxi driver or person at taco bell who just gave me my food. I don't see it as 'chivalry' as more as just doing what is right. Plus I also believe that if one person does the right thing and shows curteousy towards others maybe just maybe more people will follow that persons lead and do the same.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Chivalry is courtesy, SD.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 Chivalry is courtesy, SD.

  LOL....I was just about to say the opposite.  I've always considered chivalry as a gender thing.....something that men did to assist the 'weaker sex'....courtesy involves no gender.  It encompasses or embraces the golden rule.  (a far better rule of thumb)[/DIV]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
