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Messages - Devil

This mockumentary looks good.........ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......

  Do Canadians really 'hate' Toronto? Or do they just prefer other places?

I know I don't hate Toronto. I have no reason to, Toronto never did anything to me. Still, never had a desire to live there either, but that doesn't mean I hate it?

  Canadians favorite pastime is whining...about anything.

weekend was sooo HOT! We were at Moyie Lake, if you can call it that, in a friends RV. Really, just needed a place to crash because we didn't go more than 10 metres from the water all day. It was about 38 all weekend.

My tan is darker than ever.

That water was so beautiful! We even BBQ'd supper, right by the water.
Busy place here in the evening.  

Gorgeous night last night. Biking was fun, my boy actually went pretty hard last night. We had some mint chocolate chip ice cream after.


  Any plans for the weekend? I am getting the heck out of the city again.

Cities + Summer = MEH!!

We are off to a Moyie Lake this time. No hiking, just swimming! Too hot to hike.
I welcome Americans with open arms...if they are cool.

I love my American amigos and amigas! Just leave reality TV at the door, but bring lots of Coca Cola!
Sportsdude wrote:
Easy for me.
Down here there's this local sports grill chain called Kriegers. 3 friends and I went there and got a 42 dollar bill for......
chocolate shake 4 dollars
chicken fingers 5 dollars
nacho 6 dollars
and a diet coke

I told them you've got it all wrong, they said nope its right. Never went back, the place closed.
 These prices won't seem so outrageous after you are in Canada for awhile...still expensive, but not shockingly crazy.
Thanks! We won't be going to hard, its pretty warm for him.

.. and you already got me pretty warm.
Hard to beat that one. I once went to a diner in Palm Springs and I sent my breakfast back because it had a hair in it. No big deal, hair happens! But when they brought out a new plate, there was much more hair in it. I don't remember the name of the place. Never ate till lunch that day!
Oh just trying to get some work done before I take off. The city is pretty much in "shut it down, open the bar and party" mode this week, so there is not much I can get done with my local clients, until next week anyways.

  I am taking my son fo a bike ride later. Then ice cream! I think I am going to sleep in tomorrow too! Woohhooooo!!!
purelife wrote:
LOL, I'm tender.  and I'm spicey.  Let's meet so that I can take you to the Candy Shop. ;)[/DIV]
 You are such a devlish angel!! *hugz*
Ahh! A little more work, then its playtime in the sun. Chat laterz!
LOL! Hey Hottie!

  I had some chicken leftovers. I love my chicken tender and spicy, just like I like my ladies!
Nice! Fresh salad on a summer day. sounds perfect.
Yeah, acid is not the most social thing to be on. It was around a lot in the early 90s too. Nothing I liked too much.
Yeah, I wasn't sure what to think of Sunnyvale at first. I learned to hit the gas peddle on the freeways. It took some getting used to.  Vancouver and Calgary are pretty slow compared to there.
....Purelife.....[img height=26 src="" width=38 border=0]