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Messages - Devil


Can't remember any dreams last night, but I did sleep great!

Now I have to tackle a few things in the yard before I can relax this afternoon.

I will stop by laterz.

Happy Saturday!
1 more post since I am an addict...

yes, very squeeky clean. I smell man-fresh! lol!

  g'night all!  

  *tucks purelife into bed* don't have to go to sleep yet, but I just want you to relax now sweetie...

  Hey! Happy Friday night to you all. I am hoping to get a great sleep. Chat soon.
purelife wrote:
I like your avatar, Devil.

 I like yours too.

well, I am off for a shower. I will come back to tuck you all in bed.
what a guy! what a lucky guy indeed!

nice pictures schad! too funny!    
I am in love with that dude in the mirror! WOW! HAWT!
New season calls for a new avatar!

*pours round of margaritas in celebration of summer*  
A horse walks into a bar...bartender asks "why the long face?"

true kitten! true!

  so schad has a video cam going of Isis and purelife! HAWT!



(i wasn't done yet...)
Oh I agree. I am (almost 30)...umm...soon...

and I guess a lot has changed between now and then.

I guess what made me bring this up is a young guy we hired, best guy we hired in a long time, is moving to Manitoba because that is a good place for him to buy a home and have kids. He doesn't want to raise a family in a 1 bedroom apartment.

  What else makes me cringe!? Banks will give people 40 year mortgages?! You could buy a house 3 times by the time you are done.
Just relaxing! Me too. Actually, I am wiped out.

purelife, too bad Isis wasn't around to give you a massage!??!  
Sounds so beautiful P.C. I am sure even when the rain blusters sideways in your neck of the woods, it is beautiful!

  Ah yes, I LOVE summer girls!

Summer tall,

Summer brunette,

Summer energetic,

Summer flirts,

Summer party animals,

Summer athletic types!

Bring on SUMMER '07!!!
Sportsdude wrote:
The fact that the child care plan by the conservatives was ridiculed by the child care organizations for not being adaquate in spending speaks for itself. The plan doesn't work hence the liberals came up with the beer and popcorn moniker because the money was never enough to actually pay for childcare itself.  
  ok, I am trying to see this in a different light. Our media here in Canada is very left. I know the Liberal government blasts Harpoon for this $100/month, plus a bit of a tax savings. But from my experience in being a dad, if the Conservatives refunded me 1 penny in children care savings, it is 100% more than what the Liberals did for us.

Just my thoughts. I hate Harper, and I hated Creeptian can't win! just got to keep on livin'!
Oh, I miss the mountains just thinking about it! Florida is flat! But hey! I can always try.

  I am doing pretty great. I am kind of excited to be single. I live in a good neighborhood for it. Lots of coffee shops and cool pubs. I think I just want some casual dates this summer, nothing serious. First, I need a little 'me' time. I have been so busy.