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Messages - Van


It is just more celebrity gossip...

  Like Spears breakdown on drugs, do people care about this? They must, because whether you want to or not, you are probably going to hear about it one way or another.

I meant, bad, people in general actually care enough about it. Not so much People magazine.

  Yeah, ok, me sucks at English!
I work by myself, but I do flirt in the mirror sometimes.
Good he is honest with himself.

  Bad he is a pop singer with weak songs (just my opinion).

  Also, bad people actually care enough about his sexuality to buy a copy of the magazine that talks about it. Who cares?    
P.C. wrote:
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="[/img]    [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="[/img]    [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="[/img]                                                      .[/DIV]
 LOL! Just about spit my coffee all over the screen laughing!

  Tomatoe soup and toast for lunch.
Jus Teasin' PC!!

They don't have to move..there will be a 90 day probation period where they will have a chance to love those things...after that..well...
Oh yeah...trying to steal the whole ski bunny demographic hey!?!
P.C. wrote:
 I want to be PM....Bikes, ski passes, chips, salsa, FOR ALL!!!

  Bless your heart Van.  But wouldn't that leave the non-chips and salsa eaters who don't bike or ski a little unhappy ?  

  Those people can move!!
I want to be PM....Bikes, ski passes, chips, salsa, FOR ALL!!!    
posted twice.    
On no, I meant he most likely has a Quebec accent. usually I can understand a Quebec accent speaking English. What I meant was, he sounds different all together.

Then again, I only see him on quick news blurbs.
P.C. wrote:
I voted no as well.  Not because I think it's 'wrong'....but because of the potential to be in a situation, where one or the other may end up having to leave their job if things don't pan out.  If it's just 'a job' could be less of an issue....but if it's your career, this could toss a few obstacles in your path in the future.

*another part of me is with Lise's 'throw caution to the wind'.  Jobs come and jobs go....but romance is the spice of life.  I guess I'm a little wishy-washy on the subject.  

 Another good point. Is it a McJob? Or a Software Engineering firm that a person has waited their whole life to work at? Every situation is different.
But it doesn't even sound like he has a Quebec accent speaking English. It is something else all together. Maybe he has speech issues? If so, and it is not his fault...maybe a closed captioning type of thing would help?
I don't have a problem with co-workers hooking up for some play too.  If it isn't a romance thing, just a lust thing. As long as I don't have to see it, I wouldn't care.
I hate Layton as much as Harper.

Dion, I have yet to understand one word out of his mouth to really judge what he is saying?? *mumble mumble something...mumble...*
