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Messages - Van

Yes, coffee is my religion!

I am off to Kelowna for a friend's opening of a business. I don't want to say exactly what it is. But he is excited and he is throwing an opening celebration. Lots of friends should be there. Good excuse to go see my mom too.  Not bringing the girl I have been dating lately. We are due for a weekend apart. At least I am anyways. I need a small road trip by myself.
Cracker - Euro-Trash Girl
The only time I heard of Kelly Clarkson was when the 40 year old virgin was getting waxed.
lol^ yes purelife, that is probably a good habit to keep!
Any Idol show is forgettable. I see better singers at Kareoke night at the local pub. And these are some drunk idiots!

  purelife, maybe you can sing better!?!! I only heard him on Sirius Faction yesterday. The DJ played a minute of him because he didn't know who he was either. So he played him, then made fun of him laughing hystericaly for a half hour.
Lise wrote:
  Gorgeous dental students but alas, they're so young - it'd be like taking candy from a baby. [/DIV]
 wow! That is some great confidence. You must be pretty hot!? Pics?

To think young college students would be interested in an older married lady and it would be like taking candy from a baby??
Hi purelife and all!

  Lise, coffee has no carbs in it. Or are you giving it up for another reason? I don't uses sugar or cream in my coffee, just a splash of milk.

  I could give up a lot of things in life, but giving up coffee would be like giving up air.
It was bugging me last night Michel, because I knew it was not Aikman. It is Troy Mclure! Voice from the late Phil Hartman.
That is great TehBorken!

The more I see that Alaska gal is out of touch with not only the USA, but the world.
G'morn! Not enough sleep last night. Sirens and stuff woke me up twice through the night.

Oh well..Coffee it is.
lol! I wiki'd...Troy Aikman is some football NFL dork.

  Why you call yourself a hick?
Troy Aikman might have been the guy who invented the Aikman burger?
I think it is easier to digest reading about mom spit, than politicians? spit is much easier on the stomach.
I remember when Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers came out of the closet and some people made such a big deal out of it. I could care less.

Jeez, give him a bass guitar and watch him kick some a*s already!!!
ha! Or like Lil Me always says Wet Wipes!?