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Messages - pitbullca.bc

nap?  what is a nap?
I am sorry to hear that about 28 weeks.  I am totally looking forward to seeing it.  I went in blind when I watched 28 not expecting the same bang for my buck from 28 me..but my eyes are open now.
false...not working!
PBM has plans in the sun today
I am elbowing PC...wake up girl!!!!!
yes...the sun is shining here!  Kids are late for school...due to the powerouttage.  LM...don't know if you saw in the halfies thread..but..we received a fax in our work place...for Jamie..the info is hung in our coffee room.  Oops..gotta are ready for a ride to school!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="" border=0].
Happy powerouttage..first thing in the morning day!  Power just came back on..tree was down on a line...sooo...slow start for me kids today
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 [DIV style="WIDTH: 750px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white"] [DIV id=mainDiv style="WIDTH: 750px"] [TABLE class=grd5 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=750 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD class="tp15 lp10"][SPAN class="txt4 lnk3" id=ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_NewsTitle][FONT color=#555555 size=5]NEWS[/FONT][/SPAN] [/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD vAlign=top] [TABLE style="WIDTH: 750px; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD class=tlp10vtop] [FONT size=5][FONT color=#555555][SPAN class=txt4]Paris Hilton `Distraught' Over Jail Time[/SPAN]
[/FONT][/FONT][SPAN class=art]May 15, 8:53 AM EST
[/SPAN]  Paris Hilton is "emotionally distraught and traumatized" over her 45-day jail sentence and isn't capable of testifying in a civil lawsuit against her, the socalite-reality TV star's psychiatrist said.

 Dr. Charles Sophy has been seeing Hilton, 26, for the past eight months and has talked with her several times since her May 4 hearing for violating the terms of her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case, according to court papers.

 Sophy said Hilton needs time to recover from the shock of receiving jail time before testifying in a civil case brought against her by actress and diamond heiress Zeta Graff.

 Messages left with Hilton's spokesman and lawyer weren't immediately returned early Tuesday.

 In court papers filed Monday, Sophy said Hilton is "distraught and traumatized as a consequence of the findings at the May 4 hearing ... and her fear of incarceration."

 "At this point in time," he continued, "Ms. Hilton cannot effectively respond to examination as a witness or provide any significant input into her defense."

 Graff filed a $10 million lawsuit against Hilton in 2005, claiming the reality TV star spread "vicious lies" about her. Hilton has denied that she was behind a report alleging Graff once tried to grab a necklace worth $4 million from her throat.

 Superior Court Judge Linda K. Lefkowitz postponed the trial to August. It had been scheduled to begin this month.

 Hilton and her pal Nicole Richie star on "The Simple Life," which throws them into everyday situations. After famously feuding and filming their parts separately last season, the celebutantes have reunited as camp counselors for the show's upcoming fifth installment.

twas..traditional..KD..with bison burger..moohahaha..
goodnight all...feeling the restless leg syndrome..haha
I am learning..that "the boss" isn't a very nice person
PBM..doesn't hang around as much as before
hiya peeps...long day at work...especially seeing as the sun came out this afternoon...and it is gloriously beautiful.  Peeps are all out..on the streets..drinkin beer in their yards...blah blah blah...and here I am...stuck dinner...even at this late hour
I am just stopping in..for some fun...but have one here!
hiya LM...even the far reaches..have received news...we received a fax today...and have hung his info in our coffee room!
goodmorning Devil...maylong...missing out on a 4x4ing event in another city.  Blazer is supposed to be coming out of the shop too.  Gots ta come up with the xtra money to get it outta hock.  Sorry...can't help you with the rest though.