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Messages - Future Canadian

I heard the audio of this dope on Air America yesterday. Vile, contemptable man.
At one point he emphasised how shameless Fox was for acting this way. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
These conservatives are always saying how the left will stop at nothing to gain power, and are name callers and on and on. Yet they are the biggest perpetrators of the ugly hardball shit-fight that American politics has become. And unfortunately they're better at it. Divide and conquer.
Now if they could just do something about the young people with the big pants.  
Under the Banner of Heaven by John Krakauer.
Amazing what crazy fundamentalist zealots we have living right here within our borders. brrr.
Discover Seattle! / Re: Weird !!!
Oct 23 06 11:13
...yup, first post in a month and it's a top.  
Discover Seattle! / Re: Weird !!!
Oct 23 06 11:12
...I was just about to send that off to all my freinds, but glad I took a deep breath and waited.
I'm mad that the (terrorists/government insiders) stole my wife and I's meeting anniversary and besmirched it.  September 11th is still a magic day for us, and I try to ignore the national sob-fest going on.
I know numerology is a bunch of bunkum, but that is a fun list of 11-themed coincidences. And Q33NY thing made me go whoa.
[span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"] CK wrote:[/span][br style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"][em style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"][/em][span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"] Portland is another town that stole my heart. One afternoon/night on Hawthorne and I was hooked on that city. This neighborhood fought to keep McDonalds out of its area, and the last I heard, they won! I raise my beer to that![/span]

Cheers! Yes, we did end up winning. There is now a glass and steel condo building there now instead. I love Hawthorne especially since I live on it (PM me if you're ever through here again CK, we'll burn one and grab a barley pop). Y'all who love nightlife would love my house - I'm around the corner from four or five bars/clubs and the best pizza in town (Apizza Scholls, amazing crust, great toppings)
I think I've said it before that SF, Portland, Seattle, Van are all similar variations on a theme. Which one you like better will depend on what you want out of a city/country. I agree with everything everyone's said aboot Seattle and Vancouver so far. I'd pick Vancouver, personally.
And on the subject of patriotism-I much prefer the Canadian style of quiet pride, rather than littering streets and cars and sweaters with flags.

 tenkani wrote:
Future Canadian, sarcasm doesn't translate well over the Net    ;)

Oops. I wasn't being sarcastic at all (my lack of eloquence is due to puffin' n' postin'). I really do look for pictures like that online and those two had me in stitches! You are teh master picture gatherer.

Cool, I'll stop and look.
G'night all.
weird al wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"] There're a lot more inexperienced, intoxicated, aggressive and just plain brain-dead drivers out there nowadays, so that riding has become an act of faith in the unknown, more than ever.[/div]
That is very true. I have enough confidence in my driving , but not in everyone else's.
So for now, I think I'll hang it up for a month or two and see how I feel aboot it then
Now that you can post pics, do we finally get to see the actual Ebony Lounge?  
My baby...

I'm in a bit of a quandry and thought I'd solicit opinions from you all.
I had some stoopid idiot nearly killed me yesterday changing into my lane and didn't see me (do your head checks folks!). And that's the second time this month that's happened. Now I'm starting to get worried, since one is practically invisible on a motorcycle I figure it's just a matter of time until someone finally makes contact with me. Plus I've never been in any kind of traffic accident in more than 20 years of driving, so that either means I'm lucky, a safe rider/driver, or I'm due for one.
So I'm tripping out here. I loooove my scooter but I also have a family to look after, and I like breathing. It's also not helped by a recent newspaper article detailing the death of a motorcycle safety instructor from an accident that would've been merely a fender-bender in a car. The article went on to dish out those statististcs that you're more likely to die in a motorcycle accident, etc.
But man, I really love my scooter. What do y'all think?
Ugh. I don't envy you. We just got 'em paid off for our oldest. And they were crap (kept coming off), and unfriendly and unprofessional (they refuse to give reminder calls for appointments, so we kept missing appointments and they'd get snarky with us).
My estimate is get a large bucket and keep shovelling money into it.

Lol Kingy 'n kitten!
I recently heard about how clouds have an effect called scale independence (I think), which means it is impossible to tell how big it is just by looking at it - and we have nothing to compare it to up there. I believe it had to do with fractal geometry, but I'm not sure. But the clouds you see could be even more gigantic than you first think.
That looks very easy to use and handle.
Ahh...thank you for teh pictures, tenkani. Those last two entries are exactly what I'm looking for when I turn on my innernet box.