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Messages - PostMonkee @(^_^)@

The zoo has a wecam that looks directly in on my cage but I soiled the lens a few minutes back when they forgot to feed me lunch     >:(

  I swear, it's so hard to find good help these days!

  Purelife, how do you feel about inter-species romance?

that's what people care about the most.

   Dunno. I'm more of an alcohol, tobacco and firearms sort of guy

Maybe the gay stuff after my 5th tab of E.
Virgin eyes?

Meet me in chat in 5 minutes babe.

I promise to be gentle.
I'll take that as a yes.

Don't worry, we all have the capacity to become ambidextrous, with enough practice.
In a nation the size of the United States, is it really so difficult to find a president with brains, ethics and charisma? It's like a political version of American Idol. You have tens of thousands of people audition and you wind up with f*cking Sanjaya/George Bush as the cream of the crop??
I hope it's not the arm you wax yer carrot with     :(