Current Reading

Started by Gopher, Apr 16 06 11:15

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okay the thread is more oprah's book club but still we're talking about books. lol
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



everybody reads maxim these days.
playboy is for old people
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."




 bwhaha bach is cool. fine i'll go back to der muttherland pictures. lol
i thought myspace made her famous?
Go to any american university frat house, its all maxim, fhm, men's health. etc.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Lil Me

 Who needs National Geographic when you have Maxim and Stuff?  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein



speaking of grocery store lines. I miss the day when the only 'tabloid' that was on the rack was People. My sister doesn't believe me when I tell her that or that people smoked in grocery stores. lol
She's never known a computer without a 'mouse' :( I'm old.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 Lise wrote:
Yep, Russ. He's a fantasy writer and my husband swears by him. Has his whole series. Still going strong too.
Here's a summary of the works. You can read more at Wikipedia.
  [h3][span class="mw-headline"][a title="The Wheel of Time" href=""]The Wheel of Time[/a][/span][/h3] You can find chapter summaries for the first eleven Wheel of Time books [a class="external text" title="" href=""]here.[/a][/p] [ol][li][a title="The Eye of the World" href=""]The Eye of the World[/a] ([a title="January 15" href=""]15 January[/a] [a title="1990" href=""]1990[/a])  [/li][li][a title="The Great Hunt" href=""]The Great Hunt[/a] ([a title="November 15" href=""]15 November[/a] [a title="1990" href=""]1990[/a])  [/li][li][a title="The Dragon Reborn" href=""]The Dragon Reborn[/a] ([a title="October 15" href=""]15 October[/a] [a title="1991" href=""]1991[/a])  [/li][li][a title="The Shadow Rising" href=""]The Shadow Rising[/a] ([a title="September 15" href=""]15 September[/a] [a title="1992" href=""]1992[/a])  [/li][li][a title="The Fires of Heaven" href=""]The Fires of Heaven[/a] ([a title="October 15" href=""]15 October[/a] [a title="1993" href=""]1993[/a])  [/li][li][a title="Lord of Chaos" href=""]Lord of Chaos[/a] ([a title="October 15" href=""]15 October[/a] [a title="1994" href=""]1994[/a])  [/li][li][a title="A Crown of Swords" href=""]A Crown of Swords[/a] ([a title="May 15" href=""]15 May[/a] [a title="1996" href=""]1996[/a])  [/li][li][a title="The Path of Daggers" href=""]The Path of Daggers[/a] ([a title="October 20" href=""]20 October[/a] [a title="1998" href=""]1998[/a])  [/li][li][a title="Winter's Heart" href=""]Winter's Heart[/a] ([a title="November 9" href=""]9 November[/a] [a title="2000" href=""]2000[/a])  [/li][li][a title="Crossroads of Twilight" href=""]Crossroads of Twilight[/a] ([a title="January 7" href=""]7 January[/a] [a title="2003" href=""]2003[/a])  [/li][li][a title="Knife of Dreams" href=""]Knife of Dreams[/a] ([a title="October 11" href=""]11 October[/a] [a title="2005" href=""]2005[/a])  [/li][li][a title="A Memory of Light" href=""]A Memory of Light[/a] (working title) [/li][/ol] [a href=""][/a][/p]
Sadly the series of novels has come to a end

For those who have not heard or do not kno. Sadly Mr Jordan passed away on the 16th of September 2007 from complications of primary [a href="" title="Amyloidosis"]amyloidosis.[/a]  he was undergoing chemo therapy and other treatments at the time. ( i have not written of this before now. i was so terribly heart broken to lose my favorite author. even now, i find myself growing sad. losing his writing is like losing a best freind.) leaving the last book in the series [a title="A Memory of Light" href=""]A Memory of Light[/a]  partially written yet unfinnished.  Mr Jordan family along with the publisher have brought in Brandon Sanderson to finish the work.  so those of us who are huge fans of his collective writtings, can read the conclussion to this fantastic series of novels.

the estimated release date for A memory of light is november of 2009
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Oh my.... yes, Tila is quite the pretty thing, isn't she?

  I'm off Robert Jordon. No offense but I'm getting bored with his stuff. I'm now reading Quest for Lost Heroes by David Gemmell.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.



I had a long break from reading, but finally found this book to read:



Believe it or not, Purelife. I've also had a long break from reading! It's getting uncanny, isn't it? Anyway, I've just started my second reading of The Great Gatsby.
A fool's paradise is better than none.
