DDD wrote:
Have gotten a lot of outdoor stuff done over the past few weeks.
Cut down a tree - poor tree -
I have a lot of them all over the property one less isn't going to hurt anything.
painted the house - what colour-
same color :P but now it looks newer and prettier.put down a new stone walk way - stoned walk -
I don't do that anymore.installed solar powered lights - now you can see in the dark -
which is exactly why I did it. That and to keep people from going to back door.started a flower garden - those for the stoned walk -
beside the stoned walk. The garden goes from the house to walk way.built new steps to the porch - nice -
I took down the ramp the old owners had and put the steps. I have a little more yard now.threw down some grass seed - again for the stoned walk-
what is it with you and being stoned? lolmowed/ weedeated - weed need i say more -
there you go again.
and am looking for someone to do some bulldozing work so I can put in a new pool. - what you rich -
lol.. pa lease, you throw out in one afternoon what I've had to streeetch for my entire project. It actually looks like I may not get the dozing and pool done
It's ok, it can wait another yr or so..if need be. I love warm weather

- me tooooooooooo -
me more! In a bit I have to throw some mulch down, transfer a plant. Scrape and sand the old paint off the iron post. Do laundry, dishes and eat. I think I'll treat myself out to dinner tonight.