Before Dental work to fix them

[img style="width: 147px; height: 131px;" src="vny!://[/img][img style="width: 137px; height: 130px;" src="vny!://[/img]
After 600 dollars to fix them

these teeth are still yellowish and ugly but I was not in for beautification. I am in to get my teeth fixed. I can worry about making the smile look pretty, after all of the holes and the black rotten parts are cut out and filled with new silver fillings or in the case of these front ones done with that white amalgam enamel? Well whatever they call the stuff, it costs a fortune to get done it's more expensive than the gold. and the regular silver fillings would of cost me half what I paid. but the teeth would not look like teeth. At least this way they look ok. I wont win awards for my smiles. However I can still smile at least and the bonus is my teeth no longer have big missing chunks of enamel out of them. If You dare to look close you can see a couple of the other cavities that need to be fixed yet..
I still have 4 more in that top row of my badly damaged teeth in need of repair.
Needless to say this is not cheap. It is costing me a small fortune to have done. Lesson learned Take better care of your teeth. See a dentist more often than once every 20 or so years i have had a couple of few emergency check ups to fix broken teeth or cavities that were to big and had to be fixed.